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A/N - Madison Beauchamp along with any kiddies belong to Carolineeexx.

Connie looked up as her nineteen year old daughter Esmè walked into the room. Esmè had been away at University and had now gone onto medical school. She wanted to become a doctor.

Esmè sat down and grinned. "Missed me?" She asked as she tied up her blonde hair in a high ponytail.

Connie laughed. Esmè had a sense of humour that could make even the most miserable smile. She nodded. "I have missed you darling. How have you been?"

Esmè shrugged. "Can't complain."

Connie took Esmè to the staffroom. Everyone looked up. "Right this our new F1. Esmè Beauchamp. My daughter."

Everyone was shocked. They had no idea that Connie had three daughters. Esmè smirked as her older sister walked over. She smiled. "So. What's new in your life?" She asked.

"Not much to tell," Madison replied as she hugged her younger sister. She had missed her.

Esmè grinned. "Who's who around here?"

Madison laughed and shrugged. "There's too many. But the guy in the dark blue scrubs top is Caleb Knight and he's a self-obsessed prick," she said as she attempted to annoy Cal.

Esmè smirked and nodded. "Right okay. I take it you want him?" She asked.

Esmè looked up as a paramedic stood by the desk. Esmè looked at him. "Well hello there. How are you?" She asked.

He smirked and looked at her. "Well I'm doing good thank you. Even better now I've seen you. The name is Iain Dean."

"Esmè Beauchamp. Connie's Daughter. It's nice to meet you," Esmè said.

Iain smirked and nodded. "Ah. You're Madison's sister too?"

"That's me. I got beauty she got brains and Grace is a mixture of us both," Esmè joked.

Iain laughed and winked. "Well I quite like you. I think you're beautiful."

Esmè had enjoyed her first day in the ED. Connie walked over and smiled. "You're doing well. I do believe you have what it takes," she said.

Esmè grinned. "Well thank you mother. I gotta say I think this is where I finally settle down."

Connie nodded and hugged Esmè. She had her three girls back and she couldn't have been happier. Madison, Esmè and Grace were all she had and she wouldn't lose either of them.

Esmè went to the pub with her sister. Madison smirked at Cal. Esmè rolled her eyes but grinned. She looked at her. "Someone must want him," she said.

Madison scoffed and shook her head. "Not at all. He's an asshole," she told her younger sister.

Esmè rolled her eyes and winked. "Yeah right. I know when someone needs a shag."

As the night went on, Esmè found herself with Iain at the bar. Iain placed a hand on her waist. "You're absolutely gorgeous. I'd kill for seven minutes in heaven."

Esmè laughed and winked. "That's something a teenager would do. I think we're way beyond that," she said as she ran a hand up and down his arm.

Iain smirked and pulled her close. Could Esmè resist his affections?

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