Chapter 16

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Hi guys;
I hope you all are doing well....
So here is your update....
Enjoy reading...

At lifeline hospital...

Nandini wrapped up her all works. She is all set for her first date. She glanced herself in mirror...

Nandini: Oh looking really messy. I really need a shower....

She gathered her stuffs and moved out. Atharva comes to her....

Atharva: Did you eat yet?

Nandini: No.

Atharva: Why? Did you on diet...

Nandini: Stop it. I'm off duty today. Don't call me and text for whole day. I will never answer it.

Atharva: What's going on?

Nandini: I have a date...

Atharva: You are going like this? Don't do that!

She waved him a bye and goes from there....
Nandini came outside of the hospital and streached herself....

Nandini: aah it's so tiring....

But she didn't realize all these while 2 pairs of eyes are staring at her.... So our dear big boss doesn't had patience for wait so comes early to the hospital....

He smiles like a fool seeing her...( Aww he really become a love sick puppy)

Nandini: oh no....

Nandini sees him and quickly hide her face by her palms...
Manik smiles at her antics....
He walks towards her...

Manik: How have you been?

Nandini: why are you here so early? I still have two hours left. Did I get the time wrong?

Manik: I came here earlier than planned. It felt great to have someone to wait for.

Nandini: but you can't come here two hours earlier.

Manik: by the way. Why are you avoiding eye contact with me?

Nandini: Bcoz I don't have confidence. I'm not wearing any makeup. I was going to take a shower and get changed at home.

Manik: you are pretty enough now.

She removed her palms and looks at him...

Nandini: Really?

He nodded his head in approval

Nandini: Why is that? Is that bcoz am beautiful inside?So I don't need to take a shower?

Manik: Get in. I will drive you home.

She make a bad face...

Nandini: you want me to take shower?ohk.....

She moves to the car. Manik nodded his head smilingly and walk to car.....


At Army Basin:

Neil and other Colleague reached the army basin.....

Neil: I will go to commander office and report. You guys carry on..

Others: ohk..........

Neil goes to Commander Officer......

On other hand Avni heard about his arrival and rushed to him.....

When Neil was about to turn the way to Commander Office Avni reached there and shouts loudly.....

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