The figure clenched its fist, this was a losing battle for the figure. The figure disappeared in a puff of smoke and shadow, leaving nothing in its wake, saving himself from total annihilation. Kiran slowly placed her sword down, the light fading from existence, the light elemental turned towards the three Elementals, the three of them were all wide eyed, they were littered with cuts and scratches all over their body.

She slowly walked towards them, looking at the three, giving a small sigh. She kneeled down beside them, extending a palm, her hand glowing in a white light. All of their wounds suddenly healing, not even leaving scratches, Kiran had a look of pain in her face, until she finally settled down, giving a small sigh in relief.

"Thank you very much Kiran." Drayven said.

"Don't mention it." Kiran said with a small smile.

"Now that my job is done, I better go now." Kiran said, flashing out, before she could do that, Percy instantly intervened.

"Wait." Percy said, Kiran stopped glowing, looking at Percy with a look of confusion.

"There is a war currently ongoing with that thing, that person." Percy said, unsure of the name.

"We need all the help we can get, I was sent here to recruit backup, but I managed to stumble upon all three of you, so would you mind helping us in a war, we can't fight this alone." Percy said, surprising himself for not stuttering. Drayven and Kiran shared a look, as if contemplating whether or not to accept the request.

"I suppose I should help, it is after all my counterpart." Drayven said with a small sigh, giving a thumbs up. The three Elementals turned towards the light elemental, water, magic, darkness, all waiting for the answer of light.

"I don't want to be dragged into another war." Kiran said shaking her had in disapproval.

"But it would be a shame to see earth in ruins, with Drayven's power and his power combined, it can be enough to destroy the whole earth if need be, even I, an elemental of light, the anti-darkness can't stand off against that." Kiran said.

"I will help." She stated, accepting the request.

"But how did this figure come to be, how did it actually become a person?" Asteria asked out of the blue, the elemental of light and darkness shared a look, as if having a conversation to tell the story, they nodded with each other and turned towards the two.

"A very long time ago, ten thousand years give or take, there were two very abundant elements on earth, Light, and Darkness, from that The Voice decided to make us, Elemental of light, and elemental of darkness." She explained, Drayven continued on the story.

"From being the first two Elementals, we were the most powerful out of all the other elementals, but, the earth by that time was at discord, my body or power essentially split into two beings, one of evil, and one of goods." Drayven explained.

"A war broke out between the darkness of good and the darkness of evil, it was a century long war until Kiran here decided to help, it took every last bit of our power to seal him off." Drayven explained.

"But then he returned, he captured me and took away most of my power, the power that he got still hasn't fully manifested yet, but I think, no, I know it will manifest in the next few hours, he will become more powerful as night time comes, then the combined powers of darkness will wreck havoc upon the land, I fear if he manages to drain me of every last ounce of my energy, there won't be any future for earth." Drayven said.

"Then we better regroup with the rest of the Elementals." Kiran said, Percy raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, you know about the other Elementals." Percy said his voice cracking a little, he was back to his old awkward self again.

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