Twenty-Three - Lily and Evelyn

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Pandora's POV

May 29th, 1976, 11:00 AM

"Alright Lads! Oh- and Lady," Sirius bellowed through the empty classroom only filled with the Marauders, "We've got fifteen days to deliver our end of the year prank. I, personally suggest we do it on the last day so we don't go through sufferable detentions." I nodded, writing down multiple ideas in my journal, which was nearly full. My charm bracelet rattled as I scribbled with my pen. Sirius droned on and on about some ideas, bouncing them back and forth. It was quite tiring, and I wound up daydreaming...

Dumbledore informed the staff, and soon after he was consulted to let the Ministry of Magic know about my dream. Since it was a dream they're not as concerned, but they're aware and looking for my father's whereabouts. Dumbledore gave me something Madame Pompfrey, Professor Spout, and Slughorn brewed to keep any future mind intrusions at bay. Since then I've just been obsessively studying for my OWLs and attending classes.

"Pan? Are you listening?" Sirius asked, snapping me out of my mind.

I shook my whole body, sitting up in my chair, "Uh-Uh, yeah. I've written down some things and I'm thinking it'll hurt the Slytherins the worst."

James couldn't resist, "Ah! Go on."

I shifted once again as I felt Remus staring at me. Opening the cover to my journal, I took my pen and opened to the page that had the most drawings and possible incantations, "Well," I breathed, "I'm thinking we invest the Slytherin Houses' rooms with some horrible creature we've heard of in Care of Magical Creatures. The thing is, we don't anyone to buy it off of, so I'll have to make a specific Accio charm to summon or manipulate the creature.

"With this ruckus, the student body will come from their dormitories, and once this creature makes any contact with them, it turns their skin all different shades. This means I have to spell the creature itself with another incantation I have to make... it will be a long process, but we have two weeks to make it." Peter laughed at my idea, as if saying that he is in agreeance with me. Sirius shook his head lightly, giggling along with him.

"Merlin, you're brilliant. All our ideas were shit." At this I let out something that didn't sound anything near a laugh, which turned my face the shade of my hair. They all noticed and mocked me as I crawled into myself.

I shook my head, "You all are assholes."

"Well, then you must love asses, because you love us." Peter replied, to which we all were quite surprised. I missed this feeling. I hated not being around them.

After James and Peter left to go to dinner, I asked Remus and Sirius to stay for just a bit so I could talk to them. I felt nervous as they sat down in front of me, each of the two on a table that we laid out for the pranks. The classroom all of the sudden got colder and was only illuminated by one lamp. The air felt humid and uncomfortable. "I know you guys have been waiting for an answer, and I don't want to split you guys apart. I've known you since I was eleven, and losing my best friends would be the worst thing in the world for me to do. I love you both, you're my family. When I told you how my Dad left, you four let me cry and cry and you stayed there until you knew I felt better.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I decide between you, I doesn't mean that I want to leave you. I think we can get along just like before. To be honest, this will be one of the hardest things I'll do. But I'm not going to make a scene out of it. I think it'll just happen." At this point I noticed that I had my eyes trained on the wall behind them the entire time. Looking at their faces, Remus seemed to understand, and look a Sirius... well, I couldn't tell what he thinking. I never have been able to. His eyes seemed to hide everything, those stormy eyes..

Remus was the first to speak, "Alright, Pandora. It's your choice. We're going to head down to dinner." Him and Sirius filed out the room without another word. Why do I always question myself after every bad experience with them?

- - -

"Pan, let me color this!" Lily leaned over me with a threateningly sharp colored pencil as she took the blue and shaded in Evelyn's drawing. I asked Eve for my pen and began writing some stuff down on the last page of my journal. Every journal that I had, I ended it with a weird last page that Eve, Lily, and I made.

Someone came up from behind Lily and rested their arms on her shoulders, "Hi, luv," I turned my hand and looked in utter shock as James kissed her cheek. I knew they were going out.. But it hadn't been for long.

"Smooth, James," Eve commented. James laughed at this as he took a seat next to Lily, who hadn't said a word. She whispered something into his ear, making his face go red. I'm not looking at this anymore. Disgusting.

We continued on the page and as soon as we finished, the three of us headed outside and down the gravel path to Hagrid's hut. I had visited about a month ago... I felt bad for not seeing him. Rapping my hand on the door, the burly giant's face lit up with the sight of the three of us. "'Ey, Lassie! Come on in, girls, I've got some tea on the stove. Scones are 'n the oven." We smiled at him politely, but the three of us cringed in disgust at the rocks.

"Excited for the end of term, Hagrid?" Evelyn asked, pushing a piece of hair behind her ear.

He nodded, "Mmh, Dumbledore made me take two 'eeks off, said I should have a 'acation." Lily grinned.

"Don't you live here, Hagrid?" Lily questioned.

He nodded, setting the teacups out for us, "'eah. I quite like it 'ere, though. Got to plant new pumpkins."

- - -

"Here's the thing," I sighed, looking at Lil and Eve. They were sat on my bed, somehow fitting on the tiny mattress, "I don't know who to pick." I played with my pajama pants. I had to vent to someone about Sirius and Remus.

Lily sighed in agreement, "Look, Remus is sweet. Sirius... isn't, but maybe he's hiding some stuff for you. Remus will be good for anyone who deserves him, which you do. But Sirius, he's a player. Then again, though, he hasn't had a girlfriend in so long..."

"Bloody hell, Pan," Eve added, "Why is your lovelife so hard?" I gave her a look that said you think I know? I continued explaining each encounter with them when we kissed, occasionally getting some strange faces from them.

Lily took my hand, "You have to pick who you want, and I think you know deep down inside. You're just scared to see it and hurt someone."

~3rd POV Unlimited~

The Marauders, minus the fifth, Pandora, were piled in the Gryffindor Common Room, which was nearly empty from the late hours of the night. Sirius' mind was buzzing more than the other three. He pictured the stunningly beautiful girl in his mind, who smelled of rose shampoo. What he would give to have her in his arms right now would be anything. He was practically obsessed with her, but he knew that she would pick Remus.

Remus was better than him. He was smarter, kinder, and would be better for her. What did he have? Nothing. He was worthless. His deadbeat family had everything against him. He'd never get the girl.

With his mind scattered about, Remus thought about Pandora only half of the time. With the impending full moon, he wouldn't have a whole lot of time to study for OWLs. He should just forget about Pandora, he should never drag her into the mess that was him.

- -

how bad are hagrid's scones, really?

-an inquisitive tashi

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