Eleven - Back to Hogwarts

618 13 1

January 3rd, 1976, 8:30 AM

Pandora's POV

"Are you coming or what?" Sirius questions from the doorway.

"Yes," I reply, somewhat annoyed at him. I push everything into my bag without much thought and get up from my seat, bidding Professor McGonagall a good night.

She smiles at me as I join Sirius near the doorway, and comments, "Don't you turn her bad, Mister Black," she pushes her glasses down her nose, "I can't have another good student slip from my grasp."

He just smirks as I punch his arm, "Oh, I won't Professor. She'd make me pay for it." McGonagall shakes her head as we walk out of the empty classroom laughing.

It seemed like the Christmas Holidays went by so quickly, and I was getting a bit homesick. Guildford was the town I grew up in, and I'm not sure why my Mum bought the house, being surrounded by Muggles, but I never minded it much.

"Having fun with your little boyfriend, eh?" I spun around quickly, almost exactly in time with Sirius. I narrowed my eyes at the little bastard known as Carter. Sirius hated him as much as I did, for an incident that happened in first year, which resulted with him having a broken nose.

Sirius puffs out his chest like the annoying person he is and snaps at the frog-faced idiot, "Got a problem with that, Carter?" I hold my arm out in front of Sirius, glaring at Carter like he just killed a dog.

"Sirius, don't,"He ignores me and reaches for his wand, as Carter flicks his shaggy blonde hair out of his eyes.

Carter smirks, pulling out his stubby wand, "Want to duel, then? Well, have at it." Sirius takes his stance, but I stand between them. He tries to push me out of the way, my legs stay sturdy.

I giggle, "Oh, is that Professor Slughorn 'round the corner? Now, he wouldn't want his own house to lose points for a forbidden duel, would he? Better run off then. Oh, hello Professor!" I wave my hand at thin air and flick my wand behind my back, a fake Slughorn appearing near the corridor behind the grimy Slytherin.

He twirls around, and I can hear him breathing hard. His hand pushes itself into a fist, and I see Sirius trying to suppress a laugh. Carter's small frame jostles between the two of us and runs out and down a set of stairs. I flick my wand once again and Professor Slughorn vanishes immediately.

We both start cackling in the empty corridor, and I'm nearly dying for breath. Sirius kneels against the wall, his tie loose and head leaned back against it, "That was brilliant! You've got to teach me that sometime, it'll be good for pranks!"

I grin cooly and reply, "It's just a little charm. You know Carter hates Slughorn, maybe I should've done Dumbledore, dammit!"

Sirius points at me, pushing off from the wall, "Now that would've been fantastic. Come on, let's go, the rest of that insane lot are waiting for us at in the Great Hall." He walks back to join me and puts an arm on my shoulder. I copy the action, and our giggles could still be heard echoing through the castle.

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The Gryffindor Common Room was lit by a crackling fire and the stars shining through the large windows. Textbooks were piled on the wooden table and the crimson and gold armchairs and sofas. Lily sat next to me on a loveseat, Evelyn's long hair draped over one of the armchairs as she sat across it, reading an Astronomy textbook, which Remus was writing notes for in front of her. OWLs were the culprit for no sleep and for the seven of us this year as we all had to reach the high requirements for the jobs we'd chosen. Well, sleep was needed, and James, Sirius, and Peter were all sprawled on a sofa snoring on each other. Peter had his head leaned on James' shoulder and James was slumped completely on Sirius.

I don't know how each of them would become Aurors if they never studied for their OWLs, but it was most certainly not my problem. Peter was usually frightened easily, so I had a feeling he would switch his. Remus and Lily would most certainly be prepared for theirs, as they knew the textbooks from cover to cover.

It seemed Evelyn and I were the only ones not with the desire to be Aurors. Evelyn was going to be a Ministry Official, specifically working in the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes. And I was going to be taking my writing to a worldwide level. I would be an onsite reporter for the Daily Prophet. So, kind of like an Auror with a pen, but I would only be using my wand in case of emergencies.

I began to pull out my notebook as Lily was nodding off, and scribbled away all of my ideas for poems and stories. I started with, 'Four mischievous boys, one golden-eyed girl, and two redheads, one being in disguise for being part of the boys' secret group, had begun their adventure...'

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