Eight - Exams and Quidditch Games

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November 7th, 1975, 4:30 PM-8:30 PM

Pandora's POV

The pain in my leg had dulled to a small ache over time, and I sat in front of an exam paper in Herbology. Several Hufflepuffs around me had begun to doze off, specifically the less bright ones. As I circled the last answer with the scrape of my quill, I got up from the misshapen wooden seat and handed the paper to Mrs. Sprout. She eyed me carefully, a grin plastered on her face, "Already done? That's very impressive, Miss Alexanders." All I did was give her a quick smile and I stepped back into my seat. We were dismissed from class in thirty minutes, so I gathered Evelyn and we made our way to the common room in preparation of my Quidditch game. Slytherin was going to play us, and if I let Carter beat me, I was going to be angry.

The sky looked like it was going to snow any minute, and I hoped it happened after the game, otherwise we'd be out there a long time; it's hard to see a snitch when the wind is kicking up snow. "Come on, hurry Pan, it's cold out!" Evelyn began running up the trail, her shoes pounding against the gravel.

"In case you've forgotten," I yelled at her, "I still have a gash in my leg!"

"Oh shut it, you said it barely hurts now!"

"I'll make you shut it soon, Evelyn!"

"You would never do that to your bestest friend!"

"Hell yes I would if you were too annoying!"

Evelyn ran back to me and put her arm around my shoulder and I slapped mine on hers reluctantly. Her honey locks were plaited away from her face and her cheeks were bright pink, probably like mine, and so we scurried inside, up the tower stairs, and into the common room.


"Dora, I have an idea!" The crimson and gold tapestries of house Gryffindor were strung behind Lily as she sat on her bed in the Dormitory. The Gryffindor one was much different than Ravenclaw's; the moonlight would show through the glass part of the ceiling, and the sun shone brightly, making the gold of their house reflect even more. The beds were less precisely made, even being girls, the sheets were still wrinkled the slightest bit and many random knick knacks littered the room, unlike Ravenclaw. The beds were neatly made, pillows fluffed, and books were laid in a stack on the bedside drawer. Your trunk was often completely closed shut and had your supplies on top of it.

"What is it?" I question, raising my eyebrow.

"Well, James, Remus, Sirius, and Peter are going to the Quidditch Game tonight, so they'll probably get ready, right?"

"Yes... your point is?" I ask, shifting on the bed opposite of her.

"We go sneak into the boys common room, and put dye in their toothpaste while they're not there,"

"Brilliant idea, Lils, but where're we gonna get dye?"

Lily got up from the bed,"A little transfiguration will do the trick!" she looked around the room for something to transform, and she placed her eyes on an empty flask of ink. "Perfect," she spoke an incantation I wasn't even sure of, and suddenly, bright blue dye filled the flask. Lily looked through her potions supplies and found a stopper to push into the flask, and flashed me a smile.

After several other colors were made, one for each boy, we snuck into the common room on the third level, which was shared by all four of this. "My fucking god," I closed my nose, "It smells horrible in here." There were clothes littered about everywhere and dirty towels, unmade beds, and even the chairs were piled with unknown items.

Lily ignored my cussing and added, "Yes, you're right, let's just go drip this onto their toothbrushes." As I finish dripping the blue dye onto the last brush, we heard laughs coming from the common room. "They're coming!" Lily scream-whispered, so we ran out the door and both saw that they were making their way up the staircase, James leading them.

"Follow me," I whispered, pulling Lily further up the staircase. We hid up there, and waited to hear the closing of the door. I wiped my brow, "That was close."


"LYNN, I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" A shrill scream rang through my ears, coming from behind me. I turned around to see Padfoot stomping toward me, gritting his... blue teeth. I burst into a fit of giggles, holding my hand on my stomach, which was in pain from laughing. Lily and Eve were laughing, too.

James opened his green mouth, coming up to stand next to Sirius, "Did you do this alone, Pan?"

Lily proudly yelled, "Nope! I did it, too!"

James looked deeply hurt, and as Peter came up with Remus, they both had mad looks on their faces, but not downright furious like James and Sirius. "I thought we were friends, Pan!" Peter exclaims, showing off his purple teeth. I linked my arms next with Lily and Eve.

"Oh we are, boys, we are very good friends indeed!" And with that, I turned around and strolled away towards the pitch.

The stadium blared with the shouts of angry Slytherins and rowdy Ravenclaws as I steadied myself on my broom. Our seeker was not doing well; the Slytherin team had begun to play dirty and were pushing the others around while simultaneously sending their best beaters to mess with the keepers. This meant that I had to put up with Carter. He hovered on his insanely expensive broom in front of me, blonde hair fawning on his forehead like weeds. He looked like a frog, almost, with big, beady eyes that were far away from each other. His annoying voice escaped his lips, taunting me, "Need some help there, Alexanders? Your pretty little face needs a little beating by my bludger, eh?" His Scottish accent sounds thick.

"Pleased to know that you think I'm pretty, Carter. Now, would you get your ass out of my face and do something?"

"Surely, Alexanders, but I'll come back with that fast, heavy ball that will meet your face." Carter zooms away, and I see him find a bludger and he chases after it in a flurry. I busy myself with the chasers who are coming at me with quaffles, and deflect all their throws at me. I watch our seeker look for the little golden burst of light, and I find him zooming away, but the Slytherin seeker pushes him. I hear a few yells from the Marauders, them sitting on the stands nearest to me.

I hear the loud crack of a bat and don't turn my head until seconds later, I see a smirking Carter and a huge flying mass coming toward me. I jump out of the way, nearly falling off my broom. Carter's face turns sour, and I hear the buzzing of the winning bell. Who won? I turn my head to our seeker, and there he is, Clay Marlow, tiny frame and all, being hugged by... Landon? The house player? That surprised me the most, but I was so ecstatic by our win that I blasted down there to cheer with my team, too.

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my friend was crying today about turtles not having belly buttons

The Fifth Marauder - A Harry Potter Fanfiction (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora