Fifteen - Sirius' Gift

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 On Sirius Black's past trip to Hogsmeade, he made sure to stop by the quidditch shop. As he jostled through the crowd surrounding the newest broomstick, he made his way to the back of the bright shop. As his eyes scanned over all of the bits and bobs for practice, he kept a certain person in his mind. One with piercing violet eyes and fiery hair. He gripped his hands on a wooden box and used the rest of his money for the year to purchase it, grinning ear to ear as he made his way out of the shop.

This same box was clutched between his fingers and he rounded the steps to the clocktower and owlery. He looked for a white owl that was speckled with black and a dark, wooden brown. Sirius found the owl, and the warm chocolate eyes of it gleamed with familiarity. "Hey, Delta," the owl nudged his outstretched hand affectionately as he placed the twine that held the wooden box into the owl's talons. "Bring this to Pandora, 'right? I'll bring you some rat tonight, eh?" Delta seemed content with this, and flew out the tower in a hurry for his meal.

The box arrived to Pandora in the Ravenclaw Common Room, seeing that the window was open. "Delta?" She took the box from the owl, and hurried into her room to get some food for payment. As the owl ate happily and flew off and out the window, she wondered to herself aloud, "Who could've sent me this?" She didn't think her mother would get a present this large, and if she did, she would wrap it. It was a plain, wooden box. No one was in the common room, so she opened it on her favorite chair. On the top of it, there was a chocolate frog taped to a note. It read, I got this on a whim for you, hope you like it, Lynn. -Padfoot , she found a retractable piece of metal, and once out of the box, it expanded to a large hoop that fell to the floor. Pandora jumped, frightened by the loud sound, but then looked into the box again, seeing there were two more.

Keeper's Hoops, she thought to herself. They were really expensive, and used for practice by the professional leagues. Sirius must've spent all his money on it. She was oblivious to the fact that he was infatuated with her, and had been for a while now. Pandora quickly took the box and the hoops, which took quite some time to retract back and placed them near her trunk at the foot of her bed.

The Gryffindor Common room was empty as well when Pandora arrived with Lily. As the made their way through the portrait hole, Pandora thanked Lily for helping her in. She wanted to thank Sirius for the gift, but seeing as he wasn't in there, they both bounced up the staircase and into the Marauders' room. Surely enough, Sirius was there, but for some reason, alone. He was propped on his bed, head almost hanging off it. As soon as he saw her, he sat up straight and motioned for her to take sit down. Pandora thanked Lily as she went back down to her dormitory, and she took a seat on James' bed. "I wanted to thank you for the gift, Sirius," Pandora smiled, and Sirius mirrored the expression.

"Oh, it's nothing, I just know you don't have anything to practice with," Sirius replied.

"Sirius," Pandora explained, "Seriously, thank you. That was really expensive, so please promise me you won't waste your money on me in the future."

"It's not wasting money, Lynn."

"Yes, it is."

"I got you it because I wanted to."

Pandora checked her watch, "Well thank you, again. I have to go, sorry, the stupid Slug Club is tonight."

"You're welcome," is all Sirius said. Pan sat up from the bed and punched Sirius' shoulder in reply grinning in a friendly manner. Sirius watched her turn, and stopped her at the doorway, "Have a good night, Pandora."

She grinned at the use of her actual name, and replied before she stepped out, "You too."

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hi i hope u liked this fluff

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