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word count: 518slightly edited

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word count: 518
slightly edited

"I can't eat. I can't sleep. I'm just obsessing over this shady man, his phone and his life." Betty said, "Meanwhile my mom's acting like it never even happened. God, why didn't I just call the police." 

The neighborhood parking enforcement car came to a stop in front of the Cooper home.

"Hey, either of you know the owner of that car?" The lady asked. "It's been parked there since the day before yesterday, neighbor's complaining.

"Yeah, sorry, officer, that's my car." Jade said, "I just can't find my keys."

"Street's being cleaned tomorrow a.m. I'm going around the block, if it's still there in five minutes you're getting a ticket."

Once the lady was gone, Jade spoke, "We have to Hot Wire the car. Go get some gloves for you, I have my bike ones."

"Norman Bates made it look so easy." Jade said.

"You and Jughead refer to that movie a lot." Betty said as they pushed shady man's car into the water. The watched as the car filled with water, sinking to the bottom.

"His phone, too." Jade said, "Betty, his phone."

"Oh." She said before throwing the phone as far as she could.

"Dad was here, he was pissed off and asking a lot of questions." Betty told her mother as they stood in the kitchen.

"Oh my god.."

"Yeah, but don't worry. He won't be back." Betty said, "Mom, we're in way over our heads here. The shady man's car was parked outside our house for two days."


"It's okay. Jade and I took care of it."

"You told that serpen—"

"Yes." Betty caught of her mom, not wanting to hear the things she says about her friends. "I keep thinking about that damn body and about who might come looking for it.. and how many loose ends are out there that we're not  even thinking about.. we need help, mom."

"We can't go to the police." Alice said, "I can't. I'm sorry, I just can't."

"I'm not talking about the police."

Fp opened the trailer door, seeing Alice and Betty in the small porch.

"Fp, I-"

"Save it, Alice. Jade just told me, all of it." Fp looked back at his two kids then back to the two blondes. "I'm not going to let you all make the same mistake I made with Jason Blossom."

Jade had gone with her father to help get rid of the shady man's body. After Jughead protesting and trying to get his older sister out of it, he finally gave up.

Alice, Betty and Jughead sat in a booth at Pop's when the bell above the door rung, Fp and Jade walking in.

"It's done." Fp said as the two sat down beside Alice.

"Jeez.. guys, you reek." Jughead said.

"It's the sodium hydroxide." Jade spoke.

"In a week there'll be nothing left.. not even his teeth.

"Thank you, Fp, Jade." Alice said, "I'm sorry for involving Betty and that she pulled Jade and Jughead into this.

"We take care of our own." Fp said. "The circle ends here, No more loose ends.."

I Got You ☆ Archie AndrewsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora