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Jughead and Jade walked up to their home, seeing the Sheriff's car outside the seeing Keller walking up to their porch steps.

"Sheriff Keller, we have to stop meeting like this," Jughead said.

"Where's your dad at?" Sheriff Keller asked.

"A shift at Pop's, why?" Jade says, putting her hands in her pocket.

Sheriff Keller stapled a paper to the door, "It's an eviction notice. You guys, your dad, pretty much everyone in this place.. you all gotta clear out."

"What?" Jade said, "Don't tell me this is because of that damn statue."

"For the millionth time, Sheriff, we did not decapitate General Pickens," Jughead said. "And you can't use that as some trumped-up excuse to try and evict all of us."

"Look, I'm just the messenger, alright?" Sheriff Keller said, "This order comes down from the mayors office. Apparently, there's a lot of back rent owed here. You have 14 days to vacate. Then, perhaps while you're packing, you might come across that head. Calm the waters a little."

"We all got the eviction notices but, I swear to you.. no one is going anywhere," Fp said, standing on the stage at the Whyte Wyrm. "The heat has been on us since Pickens Day and they're using that damn statue as an excuse to turn it up. But, if we're gonna fix this.. I have to ask, is anyone is this room responsible for cutting off Pickens' head?"

"Why don't you ask your son what he has to say?" Tall Boy said walking out of the crowd.

"What is your problem with me, Tall Boy?" Jughead said.

"You wrote the article that started this mess, "Tall Boy said in his usual loud voice. "You and you're posse fired the opening shot at Pickens Day."

"It was a peaceful protest, Turncoat," Jade said.

"That accomplished nothing," Tall Boy said, "So what's to say that you and Jughead didn't go back that night with a ladder and hacksaw."

"Hey! We didn't do it!" Jughead yelled walking over to Tall Boy. "Hell, Tall Boy, you're the tallest guy in this room. You wouldn't even need a ladder."

"Hey, Jughead.. Tall Boy. The last thing we need right now is to turn on each other," Jade said grabbing her younger brother's jacket.

"Why don't you be more like your sister, Jughead? She's the one that was actual helping us until you came around," Tall Boy said.

"Thank you so much for coming with me to do this. I know we're not that close but, I really didn't want to do this alone," Veronica said to Jade as they both poured soup at a homeless shelter.

"Hey, it's what friends are for. I mean, this isn't what I imagined my Saturday to be like but, it's better than sitting in the Wyrm with the same people, everyday."

"Also, I know you don't like dresses or anything that you can't wear your ripped jeans and band shirts to.. but, thanks in advance for coming to my confirmation."

"It's fine, V. Sometimes change is good, even if it involves dresses, glam and fancy things. Don't expect me to wear heels though, then I would be taller then Archie and that would just be weird to be taller then one of the boys."

"You're hogging all the height, you know," Veronica said with an eye roll.

Jade laughed, knowing that was at least six or more inches taller than Veronica, "I know, shorty."

"Oh, shut up."

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