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"You know, third wheeling sucks

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"You know, third wheeling sucks." Jade said as she sat beside her brother and Betty at Pop's.

"Come on, were not that bad." Betty said with a laugh.

"Y'all finished?" Fp said walking behind them in his new work uniform.

"Yeah, thanks dad." Jughead answered.

"Thank you." Betty said as he took their two plates away.

A few minutes later the three heard a glass shatter and turned to see what it was. It was Cheryl, she had knocked her milkshake off the table, "Clean that up, Plebe." She spoke, "The way you did my brother's blood."

"Jade, don't." Fp spoke to his daughter as Jughead grabbed her arm, stopping her as him and Betty stood up.

"We'll get you another milkshake right away. On the house."

Jade scoffed as they sat back down at the bar and Jughead spoke, "He used to be king. A leader."

"And now he's being demeaned by the likes of Cheryl Blossom." Jade cut in before Jughead continued.

"He deserves to be honored, not humiliated."

"So, why don't we do just that?" Betty said and the two Jones looked up at her. "Seriously, why not throw him a retirement party, fit for a king?" Jughead gave her a confused look and she continued, "Don't worry, I'll take care of everything." She put her hand on Jughead's face before getting up. "Jade, you're coming too." She grabbed the brunette's arm and pulled her along.

"I.. uh, okay." Jade stammered as Betty pulled her out of Pop's.

"You have a stage, would you be open to me bringing in a karaoke machine?" Betty asked to Jade and Toni, the two now sat at the Whyte Wyrm with Toni working her shift at the bar.

"For Fp's retirement?" Toni asked, "Sure, why not."

"Also, another one of the reasons why I wanted to talk to you guys, beyond the party planning, is.." Betty sighed, "I've been walking the razor's edge since Jughead joined the serpents and all I've been thinking is.. you know, as soon as Fp gets home everything will get better because he'll be there to watch Jughead as well.. and make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Yeah, I'm following you. I mean, with FP out of the picture.." Toni started.

"But, that's my whole point, I do worry. I know you're doing a great job at this, J.. but, I wanna keep an eye on Jughead, myself. Make sure that as deep into these snake-infested waters as he goes, he doesn't do something that you know, puts him in danger."

"So, what? You wanna be a serpent?" Jade couldn't help but laugh as she said it.

"Let's say serpent-adjacent. But, yeah, part of his world.. this world."

"Oh my god," Jade said, "You're being serious."

Then, someone behind them started laughing causing Jade to roll her eyes, "Shut it, Byrdie!" Jade should at the woman.

"Sorry, Serpent Princess." She said, "But, if you want to join the club, Blondie, you gotta do the dance. Serpent dance."

"Excuse me, serpent dance?" 

"It's an outdated sexiest serpent tradition." Toni said throwing her hands in the air. "Tried to get it outlawed but, misogyny dies hard."

"You don't wanna know." Jade said.

"Uh, Yeah, I do. I wanna know everything."

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