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[ I KNOW ]

word count, 669

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word count, 669

Jade was now sitting in the Whyte Wyrm again, after the run in with Archie and Veronica earlier she had to talk someone, that someone being Toni Topaz.

Meanwhile, Jughead approached his girlfriend and two friends in the school hallway. They looked like they were arguing, but he spoke anyway, "Guys.. Betty.." Betty sighed and turned around, facing Jughead, "What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?"

Betty turned around and looked at Archie and Veronica again, "Do you want to tell him, or should I?"

"Tell me what?" Jughead asked, completely confused.

"We went to your dad's trailer to.. search it, Jughead." Archie said.

"Why would you guys do that?"

"My mom put them up to it. She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason." Betty says.

"We were wrong, all of us. We didn't find anything but, your secret sister?" Veronica said, wanting some answers about his sister.

"Jug, we were only doing it to prove that-" Archie stopped Veronica's prying, but was cut off by the confused beanie-wearing boy.

"That my dad wasn't a murderer?" Jughead looked at all of them, "You went behind my back, Archie?"


"How did you.. when did you guys know to go to his trailer?"

"We knew he'd be at dinner with.." Veronica started but caught her mistake. Jughead sighed and turned around, walking a little bit.

"No.." Betty said with tear soaked eyes, "That's why your mom invited my dad and I to dinner? So, these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?"

"No, I didn't know what they were doing.. but, yes that is why she invited you guys."

"To think I was going to pass on moving to Toledo with my family for you." Jughead spoke.

"What?" Betty whispered, her heart breaking as she heard the words leave his mouth.

"When we went to my dad's trailer, you asked me if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?"

"It was. It was good enough. I didn't.. I tried to stop her."

"You could've told me, you could've warned me about this."

"You were so excited, Jug. I didn't want to disappoint you."

"So, instead you lied? You all lied to me?"

"There they are." They heard the voice of there other friend say, Kevin Keller.

"Betty, thank god." The blonde heard her mother say.

"Mom, don't."

"No, you have to listen. All of you." Hermione Lodge said.

"My dad just old Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead." Kevin says.

"What about my dad?" Jughead said.

"He was just arrested, Jughead." Fred Andrews said and Jughead furrowed his eyebrows, "For the murder of Jason Blossom."

When Jade found out about her father, her first thought was Jughead. She knew he would take it harder than her, because Jughead didn't know what she knew.. So she had to find him.

She tried calling him many times, only get voicemail in return. After running from place to place trying to find him for hours, when she finally walked into Pop's Chock' lit Shoppe. She saw her brother sitting in one of the booths with his head against the wall.

"Jug?" She said and he looked over at her but, then back to the wall. She walked over and sat beside him, "Archie and this girl named Vanessa? Veronica? Victoria? Anyway, they broke into the trailer and searched for anything to incriminate dad, and of course they didn't find anything. Someone had to have put that gun in their after we left."

"He cleaned up his act, J. I was going to come back home. He even asked to read what I have finishedof my novel." Jughead said, "He just wanted to see if I was onto him."

"Jughead, he didn't kill him."

"Then why was he brought in by the police? Why did they find the murder weapon in his trailer?"

"Jughead, I know who killed Jason Blossom. I was there."

I Got You ☆ Archie AndrewsWhere stories live. Discover now