Introductions and trust issues

Start from the beginning

As the steeds slow down, the elf Gandalf had been seeking recognizes him among the elvish party. He waists little time in greeting him.

"Gandalf!" He smiles at his long time friend.

"Lord Elrond," Gandalf returns the greeting with relief obvious in his voice. "My friend! Were have you been?" He questions cheerily while switching to elven tongue and giving a polite bow to the elvish Lord. Elrond descends from his horse and embraces Gandalf briefly as he speaks, once again in elvish.

"Strange for orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near," He imposes with half-hearted skepticism in his voice. Gandalf seemed a bit guilty for a fleeting second.

"Ah, that may have been us," the wizard explains apologetically motioning to the circle of unhappy dwarves. The elven Lord takes notice of them and approaches Thorin and Dwalin with Gandalf not far behind.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain," Elrond spoke invitingly looking down at the shorter individual before him.

"I do not believe we have met," Thorin replied in mock curiosity with impatience lining his tone thickly. Elrond seemed indifferent to the lack of respect he was being shown and instead answered his statement.

"You have your Grandfather's bearing. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain," the elf explained calmly. Thorin's brow rose at the statement.

"Indeed? He made no mention of you," he replied in the same falsely curious voice heavily underlined with disrespect. Lord Elrond's gaze did not waver as he spoke to Thorin in a calm and even voice in elvish. Naturally the dwarves, who didn't understand a word he said, jumped to conclusions.

"What is he saying? Does he offer us insult?!" Gloin barked accusingly while stepping forward to the elf. Gandalf was quick to intervening.

"No, master Gloin, he is offering you food," the wizard explain forcefully as to prevent an unnecessary conflict between the two parties. The dwarves were taken aback by this information and turned to discuss amongst themselves for a short while then turn back to face Gandalf.

"Ah, well. In that case, lead on," the redhead dwarf corrected himself as politely as he could. The other dwarves nodding vigorously at the promise of being fed. Elrond and Gandalf were just about go when Lindir politely intercepts to whisper to the two and gave a subtle nod towards the steps, causing the elf lord and istari to look in that direction. The company looks up as well in curiosity, even Bilbo hops a little to see over the heads of the dwarves. A figure was standing on the steps, leaning against the railing.

"Ah, Amaris Aether, the Wolven Warrior," Gandalf introduces her with relief pouring down his features. As the company was expecting an elf to be the anonymous joiner to the quest, they badly mistaken. The figure took the appearance a woman donning an armored leather breastplate over a dusky dark blue tunic and undershirt with travel-worn trousers held up by a belt completed with knee-high boots. Her shoulder pads corresponded at the back to a sheath carrying a broadsword, whom was accompanied by twin daggers strapped to her thighs half-concealed in a dirty cloth.

"Well hello, Gandalf. Fancy seeing you here." She called down with a playful smirk. This earned a chuckle from Elrond and confusion from the company, Gandalf only smiled up at his old friend.

"Dinner then?" He called up while making his way to the steps.

"Don't mind if I lead do you?" She chuckled while, without waiting for a response turned and walked into the elven city. The company now half over their shock tumbled after Gandalf to join her.

Dinner consisted of the dwarves finding out, much to their dismay, that their feast was made up of fruits and vegetables. Not many of them were eating what was on the plate, including Amaris, who had a similar diet to the dwarves and chose to marvel at the scenery instead. She seemed unaware that most of the company members, who weren't glowering at the offered food, were studying her intensely.

The Wolven Warrior (The Hobbit x Oc) [𝗨𝗡𝗗𝗘𝗥 𝗘𝗗𝗜𝗧/𝗥𝗘𝗩𝗜𝗦𝗜𝗢𝗡]Where stories live. Discover now