The House Of The Rising Sun

Start from the beginning

"The 'challenge game' is when you're trying to sound like you don't care about someone's reply when you're actually dying to convince the other person to do what you want."

"I think it is called...."

"Whatever, I don't care. The point is that you're not going to him again." he says referring to Jonathan.

"Look, I need someone to help me and you're far from willing to even listen to me."

"What is so important that you need a hand to deal with. Your period?" he asks ironically and I roll my eyes ignoring his comment. I search into my pocket and show him the necklace.

He raises his eyebrows but his gaze stays focused on the necklace.

"Where the hell did you find this?"

"It's complicated."

"I have time." he assures me.

Twenty minutes later I'm done explaining about how I found the necklace and the whole story behind it. Harry doesn't interrupt me at all. He's just listening or at least I think he is. It is difficult to say as he is avoiding my gaze.

"I've been talking for twenty minutes trying to explain everything and now you don't have anything to tell me? Like 'what would I care?' or 'that your own problem'?"

''You can't destroy the necklace. At least not today.'' He says staring at the floor.

"Why not? If I don't then maybe I'll turn into a psychopath who...oh yeah, I can see your point now.'' I frown.

"That's not what I mean." he sighs and looks at me. I stand up from the chair and come closer to the bed that he is sitting.

"Do you know something that I don't?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"You said that your great grandmother lived in a spooky house, right?" he asks and I nod. "Was it in the countryside?"

"I don't know, maybe. Why?'' I ask and sit next to him on the bed.

''Because I may heard this story before.''

''When and where?''

''I come here every year for vacation. Usually i don't do much. I'm not the guy who visits museums and admires the sights. I like to keep it simple.''

''Yeah, I've figured that out.'' I say but he ignores my comment.

''Last year was different, though. The locals had organised a manifestation to attract more tourists and stuff. There were flyers everywhere. I read one which said about a haunted house that a witch used to live who commited murders and that it would be open only for one day.''

''And you went?''

''Wouldn't miss it. The house was located in the woods. It was very secluded from all the others. It seems like the owner had built it there because he wanted it to be cupped away from everything.''

''My mother told me that this woman had hidden the necklace into the woods.'' I mutter.

''Yeah, it can be possible that the house that I visited belonged to her.''

''What was the house like?''

''It was a big one, with a lot of rooms and a huge, inquisitive mirror in the master bedroom. I don't know why this is the only thing that I remember but the guide said that the woman used the to do rituals with that mirror.''

''Do you remember where this house is?''

''Yeah, I guess so.''

''Great, will you take me there?'' I ask impatiently.

''Nope.'' He smirks.


''You can't be nice to someone more than ten minutes, can you?''

''Nope'' he says again and I huff.

''Come on, you're the only person that knows where this house is.'' I protest.

''Supposing that I take you to the house, what will you do there? Admire the furniture?'' he groans. I'm not sure how to reply as I have no idea why I wanna go there. I just need to go. So, I play the last card that I have.

''You know, I think I'll just ask Jonathan to give me a ride there.'' I give him a small smile.

''Why can't you understand that he is dangerous?'' he snaps.

''That's funny cause my parents told me the exact same thing about you.'' I grin.

''Your parents warned you about me?'' he raises an eyebrow.

''Will you take me there or what?'' I sigh and he stays quiet for some minutes. When I'm sure that his answer will be negative I turn to the door but he gets in my way.

''Fine, but after that you'll have to return the favor.'' he says and comes closer to me.

''What do you mean?'' I swallow as his lips are inches away from mine.

''I mean that you will have to do something for me too.'' he whispers and touches softly my cheek with his fingertips.

''What do you want me to do?'' my voice is barely audible.

''Don't know yet.'' he says and turns around to take his keys from the bed table.

''You coming?'' he raises his eyebrows. I'm still a little upset about him being so close to me but I try not to show it.

''Of course I am .'' I say with confidence.

''We better hurry cause the sunset will come soon and you will be too scared to go in a haunted house at night.'' he challenges me.

''First of all, the house is not haunted and secondly shut up!'' I frown and he rolls his eyes.


''Just drive me there and I'll do the other.'' I mutter as I step out of the door.

''What exacly is the other?''

''Don't know yet.''

''Of course you don't.'' he groans.

''Why you're always so annoying?''

''That's who I am. I don't give a shit about what you think of me.'' he states.

We take the elevator and exit the hotel without talking at all. I'm not sure where to go so I just follow him. He approches a car and opens the door with the key.

''You own the car?''

''I rented it for the summer.'' he says and go into the car and I sit in the passenger's seat.

''Ready?'' he asks and glances at me.

''Always.'' I say and he starts the car.

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