An understanding

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"So who are you?"

Matthew was met with silence for a few moments before the stranger answered

"Call me Kaiden baby. I mean feel free to call me what you want but the few people that think they know me, really know me, call me Kaiden."

"I can call you whatever I want? What about shit head fucking stalker? That sounds pretty good. Accurate too."

A laugh sounded from the other side of the phone. A deep chuckle.

"I'm glad you're getting more comfortable around me honey."

Almost in a cartoon like fashion, Matthew skidded back a few steps in shock, although he had been angry, he had joked with a stalker. Matthew. Himself. Had joked with a creep.

"I'm not getting more comfortable around you. It was an insult not a joke."

"Baby you're so cute, I don't think I could ever take your insults seriously."

Great. He was adorable. Like a puppy. Matthew had a puppy once, his name was Tom. Kinda a cats name if you ask his dad, but Matthew liked the name Tom.

"Aren't you going to ask me what's going on?" The creep/Kaiden asked, his voice the embodiment of calm.

"Right." Matthew said, not really sure why he was no longer panicking, "So,uh, what's going on?"

Another chuckle sounded through the phone.

"Your new phone is one I have bought for you. You're welcome. I have modified it a bit though baby, just to make sure I can keep you safe and I can keep an eye on you." Matthew waited for Kaiden, it felt weird calling him that, to continue. He felt as if he'd had this conversation with the guy before. It was a typical 'I'm so smart look at what I've done' conversation which didn't leave Matthew with any more information than he started with. Maybe that was the plan, give Matthew all these 'revelations' so he thought he knew a lot more about the situation than he actually did.

"Are you stalking me?" And the best question in the world award goes to Matthew.

"I thought you were smarter than that."

"I am."

"You are?"

"Yeah. "

"Could've fooled me."

"You knew what I meant."

"Did I?"


"You sure?"


"Are you-?"

"Yes I'm sure!" Matthew shouted in annoyance

"Then don't ask questions you already know the answer to. It makes this process a hell of a lot longer and a lot more boring."

"This process? You mean the one where you are stalking me?"

"What did I just say baby?"

Matthew let out a breath and close show eyes, what the hell was this conversation? He walked over to his bed and sat on the edge of it before slightly pushing himself back so he was comfortable.

"How long have you been following me?"

"Around a year and a half, it wouldve been longer but it was a awkward phase for me."

"Awkward phase? Becoming a stalker?"

"No. Becoming a killer."

The revelation struck Matthew hard, he found himself wishing they could go back to the conversations about his favorite color.


"It's not too much of a difficult conclusion to come to babe. I'm clearly not all right up there." Kaiden joked and moved around on the other line, a shuffling noise being heard.

"Are you planning know" Matthew squeaked our befor finishing in a quiet voice "killing me?"

He did not like the silence that followed.

But more than that he did not like the answer that followed that.

"I don't know yet, I don't think so. But I'm. Well. I'm not really good at sticking to decisions. Right now I want you alive." Kaiden/ actually back to the stalker said with conviction.


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