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Kaiden opened the door and indicated for Matthew to enter. He tentatively passed him, careful not to make eye contact. The door shut behind them and Matthew heard the lock click. Then he heard another click. He didn't dare look behind him.

He stared ahead, waiting for Kaiden to make a move.

Eventually, the boy moved past him, ensuring that his arm brushed against his harshly. Matthew tried to stay still, trying his best not to draw attention to himself. His feet felt heavy as if the gravity of the entire world was now centred under him. His body swayed. Kaiden turned around and looked at Matthew, his eyes harsh and unforgiving.

"Come here."

Matthew tentatively followed his command, walking slowly towards the bed. He looked at Kaiden as he approached the end of it, the back of his knees touching the black bedding. His nerves were becoming too much, his throat felt like it was going to close up. Or he was going to throw up. Or both and that would be the end of Matthew. He was starting to be sure that that death would be the easier way out right now. He didn't want to deal with Kaiden. He didn't do anything wrong.

Matthew struggled to meet the eyes of the man currently glaring into his soul. He was scared and desperate but also angry. All he had done was walk home. That's it.

"What are we doing here?" He tentatively asked, not enjoying being alone with Kaiden. In a place he didn't know. In a room nobody knew his whereabouts. He didn't want to die. And if he wasn't going to die, he didn't want to face the consequences of the man's anger.

It didn't escape Matthew's notice that his question had gone unanswered. Kaiden just continued to stare at him.

Matthew finally made eye contact with him, only for a second or two. That acknowledgment seemed to set something in motion in the seething man's mind. He grabbed Matthew and pushed him backwards. He pulled his legs so Matthew was lying on the edge of the bed.

"No Kaiden.  Don't you dare, don't you fucking dare!" Both men were breathing heavily now as Matthew tried to get control over his own legs. He tried to kick out but Kaiden's grip didn't waver. He wasn't moving, he just held Matthew's legs, clearly trying to make his mind up.

"Don't you dare." Matthew whispered, his voice coming out hoarse as he grew more and more afraid at the man's lack of response.

"Please Kaiden"

Matthew managed to get his right leg out of Kaiden's hold and the man let go of the other one. He slowly moved backwards until his back was pressed against the headboard. He didn't look away from the still silent and stationary man.

"I want to go home."


Matthew stared at the other man for a second before throwing himself off the bed and towards the bedroom door. He reached out to grab the bannister of the stairs leading to the front door, and his freedom. But he wasn't quick enough.

Kaiden caught up and threw Matthew back through the door, slamming it behind him.

"I fucking said no!" He screamed, crowding Matthew against the wall.

"You're not going home. Not now."

Fury filled Matthew as he remained pushed against the wall. How dare he. He couldn't remember a time he'd ever been angrier. He wanted to scream at him, he wanted to tell Kaiden exactly what he thought of him.

He opened his mouth to shout but something washed over him. A feeling that rendered him completely and utterly drained. He wanted to shout, he did. But all that came out was a sob.
Then another one.

"Please Kaiden. Please."
I just want to go home.

Kaiden knew what he wanted.
It was silent as the boys looked at each other. Cold, distant eyes meeting terrified and desperate ones.

"You're staying with me. Call your parents. Tell them that a friend of yours has invited you to a party or to a holiday. You've been invited somewhere by someone. Make it believable."

Kaiden gently pushed him in the direction of a chair which Matthew reluctantly sat on. H got his phone out and held it in his hands as he continued to stare at the other boy.

"Okay." He relented "okay. But for how long? They're going to have questions if it's for more than a couple of days."

"A week."

"A week!"

"Don't make me repeat myself."

Matthew, realising he had little say in the matter, decided to call his mum.

He put his phone to his ear.




"Hello darling, where did you disappear off to?"

"Charlie's, I told you. Sorry I forgot I was meeting him."

"Oh. Well alright. As long as you'll be home soon."


"Well, um, Charlie wants to go to this um. Well. He's asked me to go to..."

Shit. He should've thought of a lie before he called her.

"He wants me to go and look at this university with him! It's quite a while away so I'll probably be gone 2 or 3 days. I was hoping that was okay, I feel weird making him go by himself."

His heart dropped when he didn't hear an answer.

"Oh okay, I guess that's alright. Just text me where you're going, how you're getting there and where you're staying. And text me when you get there."

The phone call ended shortly after with Matthew having to make up more lies. He didn't like lying to his mum.

When the call finally disconnected, he looked up at Kaiden once again, surprised to see the other man nearly shaking in anger.

What had he done wrong now?

"Are you okay?"

"Why Charlie?"


"You're here with me and your parents are thinking you're going out with Charlie?" He exclaimed.

"What... what am I supposed to say? Oh sorry, this fucking psycho has taken me to his house and has threatens both you and dad. I'm staying here for a week but don't worry I'm sure you won't find me dead in a drain somewhere!"

"Im not going to kill you for fucks sake! You're going to spend time with me. Here."

What the fuck is wrong with this man.

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