Journey to School

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Later eventually came and Matthew couldn't put off replying to the man. As he stepped out of his door and closed it behind him, he finally checked his phone.

I know you've seen my messages.

I'm picking you up today, I don't want you suddenly deciding you want to walk with the phone guy.

The phone... who the fuck is the phone guy?

Oh. Charlie.

Not wanting to continue the conversation about one of his closest friends, Matthew tried to find another topic of conversation. He walked down his driveway, thinking of how he was supposed to reply when he realised he was focusing on the wrong part of the message. Kaiden was picking him up. Matthew looked up and down his road but couldn't see any car that resembled Kaiden's. Or at least any car that resembled what he remembered about the other mans car. He continued down the street, not wanting to rush and get to school too early. He checked his phone once more and saw there were no other messages from Kaiden, maybe he could get to school before the other man got to his house. Maybe he would've have to see Kaiden today.

As if the universe was laughing at him, a black Range Rover started to drive slowly beside him. The car startled him slightly but it didn't take Matthew long to recognise the driver of the car. Unlike the previous car, these windows were not tinted, Kaiden's face was as clear as day.

Realising he had been noticed, Kaiden grinned at Matthew and titled his head, indicating for the other boy to get into the car. The car slowed down and eventually stopped just ahead of Matthew. The boy hesitated slightly before realising that he didn't have much of a choice. He walked to the back door of the car and went to open it but banging on the car window in front showed Matthew that that wasn't the right decision. Kaiden wanted him in the passenger seat, next to him.

Matthew slowly walked around the car, the feeling of dread washing over him as he stepped closer to the other man. As he reached the door of the passenger side he saw Kaiden staring at him, his eyes gleaming with confidence and something else Matthew couldn't quite figure out. With his hand resting on the car door Matthew couldn't help but think how stupid this decision was, he didn't even try to protest, he just agreed to get into this guys car.

The thunderous blaring of the car horn snapped Matthew out of his considerations. As if sensing the boys hesitance, Kaiden reached across the car and opened the door himself.

"Get in."

He climbed into the car and slammed the door as gently as he could behind him. He put his seatbelt on slowly, attempting to prolong every action so he didn't have to look at the other man. He was a lot less threatening when a sheet of metal and glass separated them. Once he had his seatbelt on, Matthew stared ahead, feeling the gaze of the man next to him burning into the side of his head. He didn't want to meet his eyes. A few awkward moments passed, Matthew continued to stare at the road ahead and Kaiden continued to stare at Matthew.

"Turn your head." Said the older man leaning on the window, his back to the door and his hand grasped loosely on the wheel.

"I'm not starting this car until you look at me."

Matthew sighed internally before turning to look at the other man. He was met with piercing eyes and a smug upturn of the mouth.

"That wasn't so hard, was it?"

Resisting the urge to roll his eyes at the other man, Matthew turned back around.

"Can you drive now?" Matthew asked, annoyed at Kaiden's attitude. Nothing happened. The car remained still and Kaiden offered no reply. A quick glance in his direction told Matthew that the other boy wasn't happy. He hesitated.
"Please?" He added on quietly. Still refusing to meet Kaiden's eyes. After a tense moment of silence, the car started. Matthew let out a quiet sigh of relief.

The short journey to school was quiet, it wasn't as tense as the beginning but Matthew still couldn't relax. Luckily Kaiden barely spared him a glance, his eyes focused on the road ahead as his hands clasped tightly on the wheel. It was obvious he wasn't happy, thus Matthew's unrelaxed state. Although torturously silent, the journey was quick. I'm what felt like 5 minutes, the Range Rover was pulling up in front of Matthew's school which surprised the younger boy as Kaiden parked a few streets away the last time he had visited.

Matthew clasped his bag in his hands and quickly made sure his phone and keys were still in his pocket, he was ready to get out of the car and leave the tense atmosphere behind. As the car slowed to a halt, Matthew quickly grabbed the door handle and got out of the car. He was about to slam the door behind him but was stopped by Kaiden pushing on the car window, clearly trying to get his attention.

"Wait for me after school, I'm picking you up."

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