“I swear to god I'm going to fuck you right now, do any of you guys have condoms?” Jumper says, feigning sincerity as she looked over at us, one arm wrapped around Brylle’s neck.

“Ugh! Jumper, no!” I afflicted, rolling my eyes as I take out the stick from my mouth. “We're going to Ad Urbem to give away flyers, not to yell sexual frustrations. Calm your fucking genitals.”

“Yeah, Jumper, have some respect.” Georgie comments with a giggle.

“Hey, you! Mr. Prom King!” She snaps her fingers, trying to catch Arthur’s attention, which she got. “Do you have a condom with you? I wanna fuck but I don’t want to have kids with Brylle, I deserve better than that.”

“Wow, like I wanna have kids with you too.” Brylle adds.

“Ew, Jumper, stop it.” Georgie scolds, placing a hand over her face in embarrassment.

It took Arthur a minute to reply, a smile playing on the corners of his lips, probably suppressing the urge to laugh. “N-No, No, I don't.”

“Bullshit!” Jumper exclaims, “How is that even possible? I thought the football team owned their own individual condom stores, since they destroy every pussy they see. I’m surprised there's still even cats in hillside at this point.”

“Varies from case to case.” He says, flashing her a small smile.

“So are the rumours true? You do have a condom store?”

“Jesus Christ.” Romina sighs.

“No. Where did you even get that from?”

“Ask Adrianne, her cousins are great storytellers.”

Arthur's eyes met mine almost instantly, blue eyes reflecting the white light pouring in from the windows, my cheeks heating up in a weird mixture of shame and insecurity. Shame because  Jumper couldn't be more correct, and insecurity because I didn't know what else to say to defend myself.

“No, unfortunately I don't.” he finished with a smile still on, “Wish I did though, that's great business.”

“Imagine being the ultimate pussy magnet and not having a condom on you at all times.” Dalton murmured as he drove, “Can’t relate.”

“That's because whenever a pussy sees you, they cave in and disappear.” Georgie tells him, a series of ‘ooh’s’ from us following.

“Harsh words from Georgina Michaels, everyone.”

“That's not entirely true because I know for a fact Adrianne would fuck Dalton in a heartbeat.”

“How the fuck did I get dragged into this conversation?” I protest.

“Oh don't even start, you know you want to.” Jumper reaches out and nudges me on my cheek.

“No!” I chuckle in confusion, “What gave you such a monstrous idea? I would never!”

Dalton turns his head to me, a tempting smirk plastered across his face. “Is that true, Adrianne? Am I in your maybe list?”

I roll my eyes, crumpling a piece of paper from Sarah's flyers and throwing it at his forehead. I’d understand why they would have such an assumption. I was close with everyone, especially Georgie and Jumper, but I have never really been close to anyone of the opposite sex as much as I was with Dalton. There was just this constant understanding between us that I never really understood. I could do something completely insane and he would still accept me as a friend, and I appreciate that more than anything else. Nonetheless, we never really looked at it that way. Sure we would joke about what if we got into a relationship and whatnot, but we did that like everyone else. It was always more about the fact we were the only people who perceived and helped each other, and same goes for the rest of the pack. Who else would help us if we didn't support each other?

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