Chapter 2

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Unfortunately Nash walked in and decided to wreck the perfect moment. Her head quickly turned towards the door as she jumped off my lap. Nash stood in the doorway awkwardly, ‘Hey, sorry if I interrupted anything, I just wanted to grab my guitar.’ he smiled at us, as he walked in and grabbed his guitar. ‘Sorry about that. That was just Nash, one of the band members. Are you okay?’ I asked.


‘No, I’m sorry! I got the biggest fright of my life when Nash walked in. I thought it might be my parents!’ I said. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, giving me the best hug I’ve ever had, from anyone. I didn’t want it to end. ‘Anastasia,’ he started, ‘you don’t need to worry about your parents anymore, I’m here for you’ he said. I stared up at him ‘Jamie…there’s something that I haven’t told you yet,’ I said.


I was surprised to hear this. ‘What hadn’t she told me?’ Her eyes glimmered and I could tell that she was starting to tear up. ‘Jamie…I’ve never told anyone this before, and I’ve never had anyone to tell this to previously, because I’ve never been allow to get close to anyone. So before I can tell you anything, you have to promise me with your life that you’ll never tell a soul!’ she said. I could tell this was hard for her, so I decided to keep holding her until she was ready to talk.

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