Heart Hurts

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My brother Aden and I absolutely hated our new house. Sure it was big, new and it was something anyone could ever dream of. But it didn’t seem right. It looked like a mansion. Like one you’d see in movie complete with a tennis court and all. ‘It’s so dark,’ I thought, studying it from the streets. ‘The whole house was covered in darkness, as if it was hiding from the truth.’ It was the middle of September and the dead brown leaves blanketed the front yard and our shoes crunched over them as we walked up the recently paved driveway.

I turned around only to find my parents having an argument. No surprise there! They were always going off at each other for one reason or another, but usually it was about money. I started to turn back around but at the corner of my eye, someone caught my attention. He was standing across the road, leaning against a tree He looked around my age, between eighteen and twenty. He had dark brown hair with a side fringe and was wearing a red/pink shirt, which had a green chest pocket and jeans.

The next day I woke, mom had decided that we were going to go shopping, so we did just that. We got back at about one in the afternoon; she’d bought me tones of new dresses and clothes. I began to walk up the drive way only to find someone catching my attention. It was him. He got out of his car and now was staring directly at me with his beautiful turquoise eyes.  

He started to approach me and I noticed he had a tattoo along his right arm which read ‘Let it be’.  ‘Um…hey…I’m Jamie…I noticed you’re moving in…we’re going to be neighbours,’ he spoke quietly, pausing constantly. I thought that was kind of cute though, that he was shy. ‘Yeah, I guess it does,’ I smiled. ‘The Beatles?’ I asked looking down at his tattoo. He glanced down and gave me a grin ‘yeah! Do you like them?!’ he said enthusiastically. I nodded so much; it was like asking a kid if they like candy. He giggled at me and my childish nodding. ‘Anastasia!’ my mother called. I looked up and she was already at the stairs leading inside ‘Looks like you have to go’ Jamie said softly.  I looked up, grabbed his hands, tippy toed and leaned in towards him ‘I hope this won’t be the last time I see you’ I whispered in this ear. He smiled as I ran towards the house waving back at him. ‘I think I’m falling for him. Is there really something such as love at first sight?!’

I stepped inside, the whole house was white and it had a massive spiral stair case, unfortunately that wasn’t all I stepped into. Mom and dad were in another one of their stupid arguments again, but this time they weren’t just fighting about money, it had to do with drugs ..and I heard some mention of my name in there too. They quieted down when they noticed I’d walked in on them, so I decided to question what was going on. ‘What where you two just talking about I heard my..?’

 ‘Who’s that boy you were talking too?!’ my father asked aggressively, cutting me off.‘Jamie,’ I said, ‘and I asked you a question by the way, would you mind hurrying up and answering that, rather than changing the topic?!’ I was starting to get annoyed. Dad looked pissed; he hated it when I spoke to him like that. ‘We may as well just tell her dear, it has to do with her life as well.’ Mom was always the kind of person who’d try and defuse the situation by talking calmly. ‘Tell me what? What has anything got to me?’ I said impatiently. I could tell dad didn’t want to speak a word to me.

‘Well honey..’ mom started, ‘..For the last couple of years we haven’t been doing so well..’ I felt confused! What did this have to do with what they were saying before?! ‘..And..’ dad continued, ‘..we turned to someone, who helped us out of that mess.'’ This whole thing was just getting more and more confusing ‘What are you trying to tell me?!’

‘Ring, ring’ dads phone rang. ‘Sorry, it’s important,’ he exclaimed. ‘Sure’ I thought, there was something more important than this. Mom took it as a window of opportunity, to remove herself from this conversation and walked off to start to unpacking boxes. I decided to take a walk seeming no one was going to tell me what had actually just happened, soon anyway.

My white dress blew in the soft breeze, as I came near to the where the front of our property reached the foot path; I decided to sit underneath a tree. The cool grass felt nice against my legs and I could smell someone cooking nearby. I shut my eyes and lent back against the rough trunk. I started to think about everything my parents had said, ‘…Drugs…my life…getting out this mess…’ It clicked! ‘No wonder why I didn’t like this house. It was bought with dirty money, and my parents want me to be in the apart of it, with them…’

…‘Hey’ I looked up, it was Jamie ‘I’m sorry didn’t mean to disturb you’ he said. Although I did kind of lose my whole train of thought, I didn’t really mind, ‘Nah, that’s okay! Wanna sit?’ I asked. He slid down next to me, so I decide to move closer to him. ‘What were you thinking about?’ he asked. My eyes started to tear up at the thought. ‘Aw! What’s wrong? I’m sorry!’ He put his arm around me and pulled me in close. I giggled with tears streaming down my face, ‘don’t be sorry, you didn’t do anything wrong it-it’s my parents.’ ‘I was getting worse, just the whole thought of it all was so overwhelming and this poor guy having to comfort me as I cry into to his shoulder.’ ‘Why? What did they do wrong?’ he questioned.

‘I have to tell him, he’s the only one who’ll probably listen to me without getting the cops involved.  I really don’t want my parents to go to jail, I just want them to stop and not involve me in it, at all.’ ‘Well…’ I started to wipe away tears and lift my head up a bit ‘you see, I just found out, or well should I say, worked out  that my parents are selling drugs. And that’s why we now have money. And they want me to get in on it and I don’t want to and I know they did it because they thought it what was best at the time. It was either this, or live on the streets. But I just really want it to end!’ I started bawling my eyes into his shirt again. He just held me for a good five minutes before either one of us said anything. I was glad he didn’t reply straight away because I just wanted to be held.

‘You don’t deserve to be made to feel like that’ he said. He was right, I didn’t. ‘But I don’t know what to do, where to go, I can’t live in a house which, I know was bought with dirty money!’ I said in tears. I began to look up at him and he kissed my forehead and said ‘I don’t know how but everything will be alright, I’m here for you.’ I felt like I had known him for ever, I don’t know why, I just did. ‘I need to get away,’ I whispered.

The warmth of his body was so soothing ‘If you need somewhere to stay for a bit, I have an extra room?! I live with my older brother and the rest of our band.’ At that moment someone came out of his house. It was a guy about twenty four or twenty five who had light brown hair, and was wearing a white blazer and skinny jeans, he was walking towards us. ‘Aw Jamie, why’d you make this beautiful girl cry?!’ he said jokingly, with his boyish charm.  I looked up and smiled at him. ‘Anastasia this is Ryan, my older brother.’ He seemed cheeky but sweet ‘Ryan, do you mind, I offered Anastasia the guest room?’ Ryan looked back down at me and held out his hand ‘Sure!’ he said! ‘Time for the grand tour of the place and for you to meet the guys,’ I grabbed his hand, he pulled me up and started skipping towards the house dragging me behind, Jamie got up and followed us.

****I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, I'd really like some feedback especially seeming it's my first fanfic! :') And there's more to do with the guys in the next chapter rather than it focusing more on  Anastasia's life like this chapter has****

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