thirty three

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"Raina hurry up, the boys are going to be here any minute" Jonah said as he walked into the bathroom, flatting his jacket out with his hands, looking at himself in the mirror

"Oh please Jack's probably still fixing his hair as we speak, trust me, we've got time" I said with a small laugh as I finished applying the lip gloss , shutting and tightening the cap and setting it down facing towards Jonah "how do I look?" I ask

"You look amazing" He said, licking his lips as he looked me up and down "how ever you better keep that jacket zipped up, because that tank top is dangerously reveling" he said, looking down towards my chest. I glanced down, he really wasn't joking when he said it was dangerously close to revealing everything

"You don't look to bad yourself Marais" I said, taking a few steps towards him, messing with the zipper of his jacket

"Youre absolutely stunning" He said in a low husky voice as he placed his hands on my hips, leaning down , our lips inching closer and closer

"Are you guys in there!!" I voice yelled as the person started knocking repeativly

"Zach.." Jonah huffed as he looked at the door, removing his hands from me and walking overyo the door, opening it

"Oh you guys are in here! It's party time come on" Zach said with his signature goofy smile as he dragged Jonah and I out of the bathroom

After a twenty something minute drive we arrived at the party house. Kids were scattered around the front yard and filled up the inside.

"Remember stick with someone at all times alright?" Corbyn said, turned to look at us from the drivers seat as he held onto his girlfriend's hand "and kepe your phones on, someone will call once we're all ready to leave" he finished, getting a bunch of 'okays' and other mummers from the rest of us.

"Raina!!!" I voice perked as I barely had one foot on the yard. I turned and saw the girl standing there with a cup in her hand and a huge smile plastered on her face "I was starting to think you weren't going to show up!" She smiled

"Wouldn't miss it for the world.." I said, plastering a fake smile on my own face.

"Jeez I thought I already lost you" a voice belonging to none other than Jonah said, wrapping his arms around my waist and leaving a small peck on my forehead

"Well hello" The girl said perkily as she tilted her head to the side, looking at Jonah with a smile

"Oh uh... This is Jonah.. Jonah meet....." I said, sill not having a single handed clue on what the girls name was

"Jenna... Jenna Fink" She said with a smile as she shook Jonah's hand "and trust me I know Jonah" she said with a smile that looked dangerously close to a smirk as she turned around and walked away

"Odd." I said with a raised eyebrow.

Hours had passed, it was nearing one am and no one had left yet.

"I'm gonna go round up the others and we can head out!" Jonah yelled with a slur over the music that had been blaring. All of us had been shit faced drunk, well at least Jonah, Zach, Jack, and I were. I didn't know about Corbyn, Christina, and Daniel. Id been with Jonah the whole night, and the others we'll... we had saw Jack and Zach dancing on a table top

I leaned against the counter and looked around the room, so many people had been engaged in conversation, some of them had been downing cups of whatever may they be drinking, and some of them were just smiling having a good time. I waited patiently for Jonah or any of the others to come and get me.

as the time progressed I grew bored. I looked down at my phone and realized it had been twenty something minutes and there was no sign of Jonah anywhere. I groaned and started to type out a message to find out where the hell he was at until sudddenly someone bumped right into me, knocking my phone out of my hand

"excuse me, I'm so sorry" the person said, I look up to be met with a boy. he was taller, much taller then me. his brown hair was swooshed down the middle with a little bit more hair on the right side of his head. he wore a black t-shirt for some random band over a striped black and white longsleeve

"that's alright, its no big deal" I said, scanning over his facial features. I don't know if it was me or the alcohol talking bur God damn he was cute

"my names chase by the way" he said with a small smile as he scanned me up and down

"you have a really pretty smile" I said with a small drunken giggle "my names Raina" I said, holding out my hand and messily shaking his

"Raina... as in Raina Clark?" he asked with a raised eyebrow, I nodded "I used to lay basketball with your brother.... say you want to come out to the backyard and join me and some friends for a game of truth or dare? ?" he asked with a smirk

"oh my God absolutely" I said with a small giggle as I took a step away from the counter, stumbling and nearly falling on my face before chase grabs my wrist, stopping the fall

"want to ride on my back? you don't seem at ease enough to walk by yourself" he says with a small laugh, losing himself down to my level. I not so graciously hop on with a lazy smile and frap my arms over his shoulder

"r-Raina" a voice hiccuped from behind us. I whip my head around to be faced with Jonah, stumbling over "we gotta head o-out"

"hehe this is my ride" I giggled as I hopped off the kids back "next time yeah?" I say with a smile as I stumble towards jonah

"yeah totally, I'll dm you sometime" Chase smiled as he walked away.

"whom the fuck is that" Jonah said from beside


I know I haven't uploaded in a long time but hear me out alright...

life is shitty and I've had writers block for so long and I know this chapter is once again a filler but that's okay, okay?

life's difficult and I'm in my feelings and distracted man

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