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Everyone had ended up driving to McDonalds shortly after the whole kiss thing had gone down

At one table is was Jake, Colby, Jack R, Jillian, and Andrew
The next table was Zephan, Daniel, Zach, Jack, and corbyn
Leaving only the two of us left to sit at a table...me and Jonah

"So." Jonah said as he sat down across the table from me with our tray of food "you're the famous raina from Snapchat" He said with a smirk as he plopped a fry in his mouth

"That I would be indeed... your the more famous Jonah I presume...unless I've been talking to a different Jonah Marais" I said mumbling towards the end with sarcasm, grabbing my chicken nuggett box and fry, facing it towards myself

"That would be i....say...Zephan never told me he had a hot sister" Joanh said with a smirk as he swiped his tounge across his bottom lip

"And Zephan never told me he had such confident and horny friends" I said in the same tone as he did, rolling my eyes slightly

"Oh so your a fiesty one huh?" He said, holding his smirk to my face "can't lie, that just turns me on more" I picked up a chicken nuggett and threw it at him, hitting him square in the nose "What was that for!" He exclaimed, wiping the chicken grease off his nose

"Now you can feel the disgust of the Chicken hitting you in the nose just like how I can smell the disgust of jakes germs lingering in the air from your mouth" I said with a small sweet smile, causing the both of us to laugh slightly

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