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It was finally time to head out to the lake house. Me and Jonah had picked up all the boys (and by picked up we drove jonahs mom's minivan and drove them back home from school with us) and were loading up the car.

There was eight seats total in the car. Jonah and I sat in the front, Dylan,  his other cousin lane (la-ain), and his friend John in the middle seats, and Dylan's three friends Jackson, Alec, and Ben in the back. The car ride was about 40 minutes long, according to Jonah.
It was defiantly not the quietest car ride I've ever taken. Dylan, Lane, and John turned their heads to be able to talk to the three boys in the back

"Is this how all high school boys act?" I say quietly as I look over at Jonah.

"No no, some of us are quiet and talk normally, these boys are kind of like six mini-zachs" Jonah responded while glancing at my direction, only to look back to the road.

"So today in class, Bethany was walking by my desk and all I have to say is...why did she get so fine AFTER we broke up?" Jackson huffed causing all of the boys to break into laughter, Jonah even let out a small laugh.

About 40 minutes later we finally arrived to the house. I had to admit, I was quite impressed. It was a pretty big, had a nice view over the lake, and it was designed amazingly

"So boys you guys are going to stay in whatever room Dylan normally sleeps in while he's here and Raina and I are going to take the other room" Jonah said as we were walking around

"Jonah, my dude, did my mom give you the money for pizza?" Dylan said as him and his friends hopped onto the couch

"Yes, she preordered it already so it should be coming later" Jonah said as he walked over to me, taking my bag from my hand and walking away to go set it in our shared room.

"So Raina, you and jonah" Dylan said with a smirk as all of his friends looked at me smirking

"What about me and jonah?" I asked, raising an eyebrow

"Oh come on. You're hot and he's popular and also hot, and you two are attached at the hip... I see you guys in the hallway all the time" Alec said

"Dude did you just say Jonah was hot" Ben said while laughing causing all the other boys to laugh

"No, I'm just saying, you've gotta be hot to do what he does. He got Julia Otterman to somehow cheat on Cole Offer. And that takes some skill, she's the most loyal girl I've ever met!" Alec said to defend his words

"Isn't Julia Offerman a sophomore?" I say with an eyebrow raise again

"Yes hun. But she cheated with Jonah while she was a freshman, keep up" Lane said sassily.

"Hey I'm gonna take a shower then we can go out and do something" Jonah called out to everyone, followedby the closing of a bathroom door. I glanced over my shoulder and sat on the couch facing them

"Spill more tea" I said

"Oouu, tea time?" Alec said in a questioning voice before cracking his knuckles "here's the tea sis. Jonah is the most popular boy flowing around our grade... and he's not even in our grade, he's basically slept with half of our class" He said looking over "that was last year though, when you guys were juniors and we were all freshman.... he like... refuses to touch any girl nowadays...besides you of co-" Alec was cur off by the sound of the bathroom door opening as steam poured out to fill the air around it

"I'll be out in just a minute" Jonah said with a smile, his towell draped down on his waist "go get your swimsuits on, were gonna go on a boat ride" He said with a smile as he walked into the bedroom and closed the door.
All the boys jumped up and ran towards Dylan's room to grab their swimsuits in a big hurry. I let out a small laugh and got up and calmly walked over to the bedroom and knocked

"Come in" Jonah said behind the door. I slowly opened the door and quietly entered to see Jonah in his swim trunks already "Hey raina" he said, a smile appearing on his face as he saw it was me

"Hi there" I said with a small laugh as I walked over To my bag and started digging through it. I finally found my swimsuit. It was a two piece. It was all black with roses on the side of it. Jonah went out of the room so i could get changed

After 10 minutes of waiting for all the boys to finish getting theirswimsuits on, they finally all came down

We got our onto the boat, the 'lake'was connected to a huge river.  Jonah drove the boat into the river and all the boys started cheering

"Wait we all have to get a picture of this. Stand up boys!" Jackson yelled. All the boys hopped up and posed next to eachtoher "everyone body say... uh... OPRAH!"

"OPRAH!" They all yelled in unison, Just then Jonah took a sharp right turn. Since lane was standing on the end of the line, he fell over board, thankfully he had his life jacket on

"And that will teach you not to stand up on my boat!" Jonah said witha laugh as all the boys started laughing, including myself. Lane just angerly glared at Jonah while he floated angerly in his puffy life vest

Hey this chapter took real wrong to write and I had about a week of writersblock for it

But like check out my new "Brothers Best Friend" book. It's a Zach Herron fan fic

Okiii thanks bye

Okiii thanks bye

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