The Openland

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In the early morning, Renz and Jane was coming home from school. Suddenly, there's a knock on the door, it was Jerald and Victor's older siblings. Uncle Ed, Aunt Cala and the two brothers were still sleeping and none of them notice that there's someone knocking on the door.

"Why are they not opening it?" Renz wondered.

"It's way too early. They're probably sleeping." Jane said.

Renz knocked the door again, but it's a bit louder this time. No one came. Renz tried it again many times now. Inside the house, it was so quiet and finally, someone heard that there's someone knocking outside their door. Aunt Cala woke up, and went towards the door to open it, and there she saw her niece and nephew standing in front of the door waiting for them to open.

"Oi, are you waiting here all the time or did you just came?" Aunt Cala asked them.

"We just came here recently." Jane replied.

"Come inside and put your stuff away and take a rest. Be quiet and be careful not to wake them up." Aunt told them.

Renz and Jane went inside the house and put their stuff away, get changed and will take a nap for a while.

"So, how's the camp?" Aunt Cala questioned.

"It was tired...but it was fine." Jane replied.

"We carried a lots of heavy stuff in there. Really tired." Renz exaggerated.

Jerald was walking alone in the grassy fields whistling, and letting his hair wave along with the fresh thin air, watching those birds fly in the blue sky, and giving himself some time to relax.

"Jerald!" someone called him far away from the fields - It was Renz. Renz ran through the fields heading towards his brother.

"Thank goodness!" Renz relieved. "We've been searching for you everywhere!"

"'We'?" Jerald pondered.

"YES! 'WE'! Uncle Ed, Aunt Cala, Victor, and Jane, and some of our neighbours. ALL OF US! " Renz exclaimed.

"Well, I'm just right here walking around and just chilling."

"Go home, Rald. You're drunk."

Renz the older brother took the younger brother home. When they got there, Aunt Cala, Uncle Eduard and the two other siblings was so worried about Jerald and asked him where he have been and what is he doing when the time he was gone. Jerald gave them the same answer as the same as his brother's question when they're in the fields earlier. Everyone was relieved that he was okay. Jerald was wondering what's happening in the world around him, it seemed like it was in chaos.

"So, that 'thing' really killed him? " Jerald asked while walking around in their village with Victor talking to each other.

"Ya...I guess." Victor said. "We're not so sure yet. We don't even know who he is."

"W-what's that 'thing' looked like?" Jerald asked nervously that he started stuttering.

"Well, they said it has fur, and...two horns." Victor guessed. "Creepy.."

"Why don't you tell me about that 'thi---"

"Hey!" A random boy called with laughter as he passed by with with his two other friends - It was Hake and his two friends Al and Luke. Hake is the leader of their group, and he also the one's brother's worst enemy.

"Hey! You!" Hake confronted the two brothers with his friends and decided to pick on Victor first. "Looky here boys!"

Hake brought the brothers somewhere in an open land where nobody was around.

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