Your hogwarts house

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Rebekah- Ravenclaw

You might not look it but you love to learn new skills you have a goal of learning a new language every year. So far you have learnt french, Chinese, Spanish &  currently working on German. You also are very knowledgeable on various subjects to do with supernatural and historic events (not to mention you have a walking, talking historic encyclopaedia).

Hayley - Hufflepuff.

Many are shocked when they discovered  you were a hufflepuff everyone assumed because of Hayley you would be a Gryffindor but no your patience is your key trait, over the years you have had learnt from the Mikaelson the value of loyalty to your family , and not to mention the master of patience because with this family you have to have a great deal of it.but the love you have for hope and Hayley put you in the house of hufflepuff.

Cami - Gryffindor

You fit perfectly into the house of Gryffindor, being as you were brought up to hunt supernatural mainly vampires and that in its self takes a lot of bravery and nerve, you are never afraid to stand up for what you think is right, even if it could end up back firing on you in the process.

Davina - Slytherin

You are a Slytherin at heart throughout your life when growing up you were always overshadowed by your older siblings, who not only excelled in there magic and earned themselves places in the coven but also some would say ended up  having the American dream sort of life, so from a young age you always had the ambition to make a name for yourself and boy did you do it, openly in a relationship with a female not to mention the ex regent Davina who was banned from the coven but known to associate with vampires, it wasn't a surprise that once you and Davina moved away from her Orleans to Orange County you family pretty much cut you out of there lives. 

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