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Rebekah -

You and Rebekah love PDA well mostly when people hit on you , it make Rebekah jealous and so she will come up behind you wrap her arms around your waist and kiss your neck until the person get the message that you are taken.

Hayley -

You and Hayley are not really into it though will hug and kiss in private but you are not really a fan of making out in public, the most your will do is hug each other.

Cami -

Cami is not a big fan of pda she would Much rather just give you a quick peck on the cheek of hold your hand. In private you would give each other Eskimo kisses and pecks on the lips.

Davina -

You and Davina are on the fence about pda you know there are times when it is not appropriate and you will both respect that however most times you will give each other kisses in public but it never escalates into anything that could draw attention to you.

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