What there family/friends think about you

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Sorry I have not updated in so long I've been so stressed with collage due to it being my last year but I'm happy to say I've finally graduated yay, I'm not sure when I will next update because I have writers block but as soon as I get an idea I will update or if you want to you can leave me ideas.

Rebekah -

Klaus - well she makes Rebekah happy, I guess I can tolerate her. Besides I'm not really in the mood to deal with Rebekah if I were to kill her beloved.

Elijah - y/n is a good match for Rebekah and I am pleased Rebekah is starting to rely on someone other than Klaus.

Freya - y/n's nice, I'm happy Rebekah found someone who will give her the love and life she deserves.

Kol - I haven't spent much time with y/n but she seems okay and keeps Rebekah happy and occupied so I can't complain.

Hope - y/n's like an aunt to me , she's so funny and always is keen to listen to my problems and help any way she can.

Hayley- well I've only met y/n a couple of times but when I have she has been nice to me and Hope adores her so as long as hopes happy I can't say anything bad about her.

Hayley - (in this preference Hayley doesn't die I refuse to allow it.)

Hope - I love y/n she's like a second mom to me. And it's kinda weird that she is one of my teachers but means I get to see her more often.

Klaus -well hope like her as well as Hayley so I'm more than happy to let her stay if she means so much to my daughter.

Elijah - while I will always love Hayley I'm happy that y/n is there to love Hayley and comfort her when I can't. I am selfish to say that If I could go back  and change history I would make sure that y/n & Hayley never met, but I'm glad Hayley has someone to rely on.

Rebekah - I will admit when I first met y/n I was not to keen on her and would not of blinked an eye if she ended up dead but over time she has grown on me.

Cami -

Klaus - have to say I'm not a fan of y/n however these words come from a man who loves a woman that doesn't love him back, and I would never do anything to hurt Camille so if that mean protecting y/n then so be it.

Marcel - I like y/n she has spunk and is not afraid to speak her mind which I applaud her for but she makes cami happy so....

Vincent - for a human y/n has a lot of nerve which I will say I do admire her for and respect her.

Davina - y/n's cool I guess I mean I've never hung out with her on my own so I can't really judge her but if her makes cami happy that's all that matters.

Davina -

Marcel - I would trust Y/N with my life she loves Davina very much so much she was willing to turn away from the witch community, as long as she cares and respects Davina I fully support her and Davina relationship.

Josh - she's cool and super fun to hang around with, not to mention she as the top high score on mario cart as well as Making a mean margarita.

Kol - I'm always gonna love Davina but is she was to end up with anyone I'm happy it's y/n not to mention it's good to have a witch on your side.

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