How you spend christmas togehter

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Rebekah -

Christmas Eve - you and Rebekah will spend Christmas Eve with the mickelsons, on Christmas Eve you will spend decorating the Christmas tree with Rebekah and Freya and making cookies with hope.

Christmas Day - you will also spend Christmas Day  with the mikelsons, you will try to add some traditions from you family by waking up early and making breakfast for the family which consisted of pancakes, after breakfast you will watch hope open her presents, after that you shall eat Christmas dinner then in the evening you shall open the rest of the presents.

New Year's Eve - you shall spend it with your family you will get and give yours presents to your family then at midnight will set off fireworks. The next year you do it opposite


Christmas Eve - you shall spend Christmas Eve with your pack and cousin Jackson and have a big bonfire and BBQ but Hayley and hope shall be at the mickelsons. That also gives you time to wrap the rest of your presents.

Christmas Day - you shall wake up early on Christmas morning to make your way to the mickelsons quietly put hopes presents under the tree, quietly make your way to Hayley's room collecting hope on your way and have both of you wake Hayley up to wish her happy Christmas, you shall then go and open presents before Christmas dinner, you then spend the evening watching movies.

New Year's Eve - you and kluse are constantly arguing you want Hayley and hope to spend New Year's Eve with the pack while he wants hope and Hayley to spend New ears with him, in the end it shall take Hayley and Elijah to pull you apart, you then come to the agreement that you will spend New Year's Eve with the pack and new years day with Kluse.

Cami -

Christmas Eve - you and Cami will watch movies and order Chinese, you will make cupcakes and give each other a gift it's a tradition that you both came up with.

Christmas Day - at your request you and Cami will go to a Christmas service for the morning, once you get back you will both get ready to go out for Christmas dinner with marcel and Davina once that's finished you go back to your house and give presents.

New Year's Eve - you and cami will spend it at a ball that the mickelsons throw every year, you shall spend most the evening with Elijah taking with him because out of all of the mickelsons you get on with him best.


Christmas Eve - you don't do much Christmas Eve most likely you will spend the eveing at Marcels and play bored games with josh.

Christmas Day - you will spend the morning in bed with Davina (if you know what I mean) you shall then go to Marcels for dinner and present opening , in the evening you shall drop of your presents for your family because of Davinas position with the witches they didn't want her in there house and you refuse to spend Christmas without her.

New Year's Eve - most of New Years ever it will be with you two practicing magic though marcel and cami will call to wish you an happy new year.

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