Proposal - rebekah

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Today is your birthday, and you had hoped to spend the day in bed with Rebekah but for some reason that doesn't seem to be happening.

What first catches your attention when you wake up in morning is the person missing from from the bed.

As you roll over you notice something that catches your attention.

A letter with your name on it and a single yellow rose.

You open the letter and it reads the following.

My love,

When we first met I remember feeling an instant attraction to you. You became a very good friend instantly and someone I felt I could trust, as our feelings turned from friends to lovers I believe you were the beginning of a new chapter for me and new beginning. For this reason I present to you a yellow rose to celebrate not just our love but our friendship, as well hopefully a new beginning for the both of us the next chapter in our lives. For your next clue make your way to the location of our first date.

You quickly get dressed.

take the rose with you and head to R'evolution the restaurant where you and Rebecca had your first date

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take the rose with you and head to R'evolution the restaurant where you and Rebecca had your first date.

When you arrived at the restaurant you notice Elijah standing at the bar holding what seems to be another envelope as well as a Yellow with red Tips rose.

He hands you the envelope as well as the rose and smiles at you.

you open the letter to read the content inside.


This is where we had our first date I remember how nervous I was when I was waiting for you not knowing wether or not your were going to show up. However the moment you walked through those doors any doubts left my mind, I was blown away by your beauty and it was at that moment I knew I was falling in love with you. Which is why I present your with this rose to to represent the moment when I realised you had taken my heart. For your next clue make your way to the city park where I first told you I loved you.

When I looked up Elijah had gone following the letters advice I made my way to the par to be greeted By Freya holding another letter and a red rose.

This was the place where we first confessed our love for each other one of the greatest days of my life, which is why I present you with this red rose to signify the unconditional love I feel for you. I would like you to head on to the compound.

Once I make it to the compound, I'm greeted by hope and Hayley both giving me a hug and as you guessed another letter and a pink and a light pink rose.

You have been handed two roses this time and each has a meaning.

The pink rose signifies the happy times we had here and how the room would light up whenever you come to the compound.

The light pink is to signify your gentle heart, and this was never more prominent when I would watch you play with hope, it brought me so much joy to see you two together and strengthened the love I had for you. I would like you to next head to the graveyard.

Okay... that one seems a bit weird, any who I mad my way to the cemetery to be met by marcel holding two roses a black and a white.

I'm sure your curious as to why I asked you to go to a graveyard. The black and white roses you have just received represent your decision to become a vampire and the passage of leaving one life behind for another. We shall meet very soon my love head to the peer for your final surprise.

When I arrive at the peer I'm flabbergasted all my friends and family were all here I notice candles have been lit for form a path and at the end of that path stands Rebekah holding a white rose.

As I walk down the path I can feel my eyes start to water. When I reach Rebekah she hands me the final white rose, that now Completes the collection.

"Y/N I have been on this earth for a thousand years and never have I ever felt more sure about something in my existence, you are the love of my life the only one I can see spending the rest of my life with, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, I want to be the first thing you see in the morning and the day thing at night. You are my soulmate And if you Will give me the chance to prove myself, I promise to spend the rest of my existence providing you with love , comfort and security."

At this point I have tears streaming down my face and Rebekah isn't any better, however she continues on.

" I have presented you with a white rose and I don't know about you but when I see a white rose I can only think of one reason. Y/N i'm in love with you, I want to be with you now and forever, You're everything to me, I want to start a new chapter with you. So Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N Will you give me the honour of becoming my wife." She opens a box to produce a fabulous ring that sparkles in the light.

It trusting my voice I just nod my head tears streaming down my face, all around me people are applauding But all I can focus on Is the woman in front of me. I feel the weight of the ring as it's placed on my finger yet somehow it feels like it was always meant to be there.

I Feel Rebecca pulling me in for a kiss and as soon as our lips meet all the commotion around us falls away and it's just us two as it Should be.

Me and Rebekah always and forever.

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