"Yeah? What is it?"

"Josh bought me a pack of spare pacifiers the other day, just in case I ever lose my galaxy paci." Tyler giggled a little. "I can go and get one from our room if you want to look at it. Only if you want to, though."

Oliver thought it over for a bit before responding. "It wouldn't be weird for you?"

Tyler shook his head. "Of course not. Hey, I'll even bring mine with me too, so you won't feel as awkward."

"Hmm..." Oliver worried at his bottom lip for a few seconds before nodding. "Deal."

It only took Tyler a few minutes to pad up the steps, grab the pacifiers and make his way back downstairs. Thankfully, his ribcage was healing nicely, so he could move around a lot easier than before.

"Wasn't sure what color you wanted, so I picked blue, since it matches your eyes," Tyler said as he placed the pacifier into Oliver's hand. "No pressure, okay?"

Oliver turned the pacifier over in his hands, a curious look on his face. "So how do you know when you want to use it?"

"I'll feel really calm and relaxed. Sometimes I get the urge to suck on my thumb."

Oliver smiled. "That's adorable, Ty. I've been looking for something to help me feel less anxious, so maybe this could be it."

Tyler smiled back. "Never hurts to try." He paused before continuing. "How've things been for you since you got home?"

"Busy. There's a lot of paperwork when you've been legally "dead" for such a long time. At the same time, though, it's a strange feeling being... free."

"I know what you mean. Does it feel like your Time Keeper is getting any better?"

"Kinda." Oliver pulled up the sleeve of his onesie, giving Tyler a look at his scarred-over symbol. "It's amazing what a little bit of love can do for it, huh?"

"It is. Everything feels so weird, though. We have Protectors with all the love in the world to give us, yet our minds are so... screwed up that we can barely accept it."

"I know. It's been hard." Oliver sighed a little. "A part of me wants Fynnley to just drown me in affection, yet the other part of me is afraid when he does touch me."

"Wow. I thought I was the only one who felt that way."

"I'm sure we all do. I mean, we were trapped in Dema for months without our Protectors and the only physical contact we had was when we were being beaten. After a while, your brain tends to associate any kind of touch as a potential threat."

"You're right, Oli."

Mind drifting to the past, Tyler thought about how long it had taken him to feel comfortable around Josh. It wasn't an easy feat, but reflecting back on it reassured him of the reasons he knew he could trust his Protector.

Not all was lost.

"It is really nice to just kiss and hold Fynn. I missed that a lot," Oliver admitted. "I think making love will come with time."

"Yeah?" Tyler blushed at the mention of sex, a sensitive, but oh-so-tantalizing topic for him. "Are you nervous about it?"

"A little. But I know Fynn will be gentle. Even though, there's times we both like things a little rough." Olivef chuckled.

Tyler's blush intensified. "Oh, jeez."

"How about you? Is there certain stuff you like to do in bed with Josh?"

"Um..." He looked away, suddenly feeling way less experienced than his friend. "We actually haven't had sex yet."

"Aww, Tyler! You're still so innocent."

Keeper and Protector (Joshler) ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ