06|A black stone?

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|chapter 06|

|a black stone?|
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"What is this?" Ariadne bent down to pick up that black stone.

"Waoh! It's strange. It's so small yet heavy just like Jan” She chuckled.

"I guess it's a dragon egggggg!" Callan jumped in excitement just like a kid.

"Yeah, a black dragon egg. How childish!" Jan rolled her eyes imitating him.

"Let me see" Rune extended her hand to take that stone from Ariadne when Ivy stopped her.

"Its nothing, Rune. Just a weird looking stone. What we said, you need rest, so please lay down" Ivy made Rune to lay down on the couch.

"But from where it came? Someone might have thrown it in." Rune said, pulling the blanket up.

"Yeah, I agree with Rune. Wait, let me have a look outside." Ivy moved towards the broken window from where the stone came in.

"Ah! It's nothing. Some kids are playing outside. Maybe they have thrown it in by mistake. Kids these days very naughty" she said, faking her laugh.

"Yeah, kids these days are a headache," Jan moved across the centre table.

"Oh hello! Have you forgotten what we did as kids? Do you?" Callan raised his eyebrow as he questioned Jan.

It was looking like he was trying to pick a fight with her. This was so like them. Give them a chance and they will be on each other, pulling and kicking till they end up on flood, exhausted. But to his surprise, his words made an opposite impact on Jan. She kept quiet without uttering a word. Everyone then became silent as if they were remembering what happened back then. Ariadne kept the stone and went into the kitchen silently.

Dylen and Ivy went outside. They told they will back with Something to eat. Callan went to sit on the dining table, near Oliver's bed. No one will say that were chit chatting sometime ago. A complete sombre silence spread across the living room.

Rune picked up the stone and her eyes went wide in shock. There was a familiar marking carved on it. A symbol she saw that day. Slowly her eyes started to close. She passed out in a deep sleep as the stone slipped from her hand down the floor.

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