Part 11: Sleep-Over?

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As Yuko followed Goku's ki, she met someone on the way. "Vados-san!?" She called. Vados looked at her suspiciously. It's not like anyone would be able to recognize her teenager form so suddenly. "Oh, yeah! Hi, I'm Son Yuko, the one in the tournament. Did you remember me?" Yuko threw it all out very quickly. Vados look stunned, but kept her cool. "Hi, Yuko-san. Sorry that I didn't recognize you. You just looked so..... different." If took a while for Vados to think of a word that wouldn't offend this cute nightmare creature. Not a surprise for that Vados couldn't handle her. "It's alright. I knew what happened and I accept that I do look very different in this body and especially the clothes!" Yuko admitted, her face blushing bright red.

Then she realizes something. "Vados-san, why are you here?" Yuko asked, her face shown a serious expression. "Well, uh... I'm not sure how to explain it." Vados said. "Is it about the abnormal ki near Goku? It felt kind of familiar. Oh! And I wouldn't dare hurt you unless you were planning to kill someone with that other guy." Yuko said coldly, her smile deepened with a dangerous blood-thirsty aura. "I think... I might have to tell you the truth." Vados admitted. She's really freaked out right now. Vados explained everything to Yuko. "Baka Goku, trying to make his own grave." Yuko joked, which didn't make the situation less tense. ('How could she make it less tense while releasing that much amount of destructive ki?' //: Vados) Vados forced a smile in return. "Since we meet today, would you like to go on a tour of the city while they're doing their boy stuff? I'll be your guide!" Yuko invited her. "Maybe I could stay for a while." Vados answered. She could sense Yuko's dangerous ki gone.


Goku ran around the city with his eyes closed. Luckily, his sons followed to try to get him out of as much trouble as they could. "Pervert!" A sales woman shrieked seeing Goku in a... um... a bra store staring at a dummy. He then sense the aura around him. "Nope, not here." He mumbled, walking away. His 2 sons quickly followed with a soft 'sorry' for the sales woman.

Later, Goku bumped into Bulma. "What the heck Goku!?" She shouted. Goku quickly opened his eyes. "I'm sorry, Bulma. >_< " Goku said, scratching his neck awkwardly. "Baka! what the heck are you doing walking with your eyes closed!?" Bulma scolded, walking over to slap Goku. He dodged. Bulma stumbled and almost fell down. This left Goten and Gohan stunned. Goku never dodged Bulma's or Chichi's attacks before, especially the slaps. "Uh, sorry Bulma, I gotta get going!" Goku apologized hurriedly, he ran way with his eyes still closed.

Back to Yuko and Vados

Yuko POV

Me and Vados are at the same restaurant that I brought Whis-san and Beerus-sama. The twins usually stayed in the form of Ryus since they are too small to work as for humans. We ordered the same menu, I also asked for the special recipe telling the twins that'I really need to check that what Whis-san said is true!' and that made it 2 special mixed berries omelet. "Don't worry, you won't get fat eating that." I told Vados. She seemed to be the type that would worry about her curves. I'm sure she wouldn't want to get fat. "Um, ok." She replied, eating a small piece of omelet. "Actually, our stomach are much stronger than humans. Meaning that we can eat more or else my brother would be as big as Buu-san right now." Vados joked making me laugh softly. "You sure are funny." I admitted. Vados will usually show only her hard side. She don't seem to always be friendly.

Normal POV

"How's the food?" Yuko asked, seeing Vados freezing after taking a bite of the omelet. "It's quite attractive and..... probably, love? Silly, how can someone add love into food?" Vados tried to joke. Yuko saw through it. Vados didn't want her to think that there's something wrong with the food, so she tried to make a joke out of it. A good prediction would be that their mother might be connected with Ritsu and Rutsu. Ryus, who was observing from the side, recognized that Vados showed the same reaction as Whis. 'I hope there's nothing unusual going on...' She thought, while clearing a small table near Yuko and Vados.

In Yuko's Mind World

Yuko's POV

I tried to refresh my mind once again. I thought of my other self that is surprisingly annoying and lazy, though we're the same person. Now, I'm back in this empty world once again, preparing for landing. I don't know why I ended up falling from the sky this time. "Hello?" I called. No answer. I walked around to explore, before realizing something. 'If I'm her, I might be able to make her appear. But I haven't try it yet.'  Actually, she's like my another, or maybe a doppelganger, just maybe. I tried to draw an image of her mentally. "Seems like you're calling me." Came the voice of a young female alien making her entrance.

"Hi there, long time no see." I politely greeted the other me, which I preferred to call her another which is the official name she told me. "As I can see, you're able to dig up our memory from my mind, am I correct?" I continued. The another replied with a smile. "That is right, I'm able to dig into our memory, just like you can. The only difference is-" 'The time it takes to reveal them' I thought, sighing. The another nodded as if she can read my mind or something. "So, your ability to reveal is faster than mine, if we work together we might be able to recover more of our memories. That is my hypothesis. No oppositions, we'll try it now." I quickly blurted out, leaving no time for  her to say anything. "If we don't try, we would never know." This short conclusion from me made the another complied.

We held hands, focusing our energy in our memories. I felt a burst of heat on my palms, though not so unpleasant. It's nice. I open my eyes to see a small hand reaching for mine. In the memory, I also allowed him to lay a kiss on my hand. It was filled with love and truthfulness. He should be my boyfriend, for sure not someone less than that. The memory was so blurry that what I've said was barely audible. The only sentence I heard was 'I love you'. This made me blush so hard I'm pretty sure I'm going to blow up any moment right then.

"H-Hey." My voice echoed through the now empty world. I knew I didn't say a thing, so I turned to see the another, who seems to be blushing far deeper than me. "I can't stand that! Don't make me do it ever again!" She screamed, making me quite shock. "Riz-chan and Rus-chan said that the first things that pop up would usually be the strongest memories. Last time was the last thing we saw and this time is, or should be one of our most memorable experiences." I said, but she only frowned back. "I know that." She replied impatiently, "I just don't want to rage on those sort of things-" I'm tired of listening to her complains because it's not like that I would like someone I barely knew. "It's not like I like it but we have to find the truth behind this whole mess!" I shouted. The another could unexpectedly shut up with her complains. Another me scared of me, sounds weird.

Back In Earth

I was back at Earth. It was amazing that the time in that world went so fast. It was only less than a minute after I traveled into my mind. "Vados-san?" I called, but turned to see an empty seat next to me. A flash of memory came into my mind; Vados stood up, turning to me, "Yuko-san, I'll go to the restroom, please excuse me." I nodded, then she went.

Okay, so that's what happened. Then, I saw Vados walked back. It's too fast, did she have super private-business speed? I just realized something when she spoke up. "Excuse me, where is the toilet?" ... Yeah, I forgot to tell her where the toilet is. "That way." I said, pointing to a corner in the restaurant. "Thank you." Vados said, walking there.

'Whis is too young to remember most of it, maybe I have to find out from Vados.' I thought. 'Since she's Whis-san's nee-chan.' When Vados walked out of the toilet, I have made up my mind. "Hey, Vados-san!" I called, "Would you mind if I visit?" Vados seemed to be a little shocked by my question, but nodded.

Sorry, I didn't update for so long! I just saw this morning that someone (not mentioning who) had texted me and I tried my best to finish this part in my phone and post it today! The next part would be a long wait, maybe until I'm back at school. I could write more at school because I have my laptop everyday and there is plenty of free time after I finish the work in class, of course except for exam weeks. Thank you all for still reading this story and I hope I could update more on my phone in the weekend!

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