Part 3: A Mortal's Life

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"Why did they acted like they just saw a ghost or something?" Yuko complained to her twin sisters, her mouth full of ice-cream.

"It seemed like that naughty god rarely have a chance to fight with someone stronger than him." Rutsu giggled when she heard the 'acted like they saw a ghost' part, "And you're being too innocent towards them, I thought this freaked them out."

Yuko frowned. She never felt that like being creepy to anyone before. Now, she was accused for making the gods as scared as heck.

"Never mind about the gods, let's go home." Rutsu added.


On the day that grandpa Gohan died, the 4 children didn't know what to do and where to go.

"Onee-chan, I-I'm sorry. I-It's because of me. I d-didn't listen to g-grandpa about t-the giant monkey that c-comes out on full moon nights. It's because of me..." Goku sniffed, trying to apologize to his sisters.

"It's alright, Goku. Grandpa Gohan saved you because he loves you." Yuko comforted him.

"So, we're going to a tribal village on the mountain. Will you join us?" Ritsu suggested, knowing that most of the people there knew grandpa Gohan since he used lived in the village as it is his birth place.

"Sorry, onee-chan. I won't. I need to become stronger and take revenge on grandpa Gohan's death." Goku answered with more than enough confidence. Ritsu smiled, not wanting to tell him that he killed grandpa Gohan.

"Very well then! We're going there and we'll wait for the you!" Yuko said happily, "We'll meet again later. So good bye for now!"

"Uhm!" That was the last thing they heard from Goku before they met again in the mountains after Majin Buu is defeated.

Flashback Ends

When they reached the village, 2 old people, one male one female, were rushing out towards them.

"We're very happy to see you girls back!" The male, Genji (grandpa Gohan's brother), screamed happily.

"You girls went for so long this time!" The female, Chika (Genji's wife), said, telling nothing but the truth. "Everyone must be happy to see you! Let's go!"

The chief of the village, master Yuichi, was waiting for them at the village's council, when suddenly, he saw them getting pulled in by no other than their adopted grandparents.

"Welcome back, girls. How did the party go?" Master Yuichi asked.

"Everything went well, sir, except that 2 weird people appeared in the party. One of them said that he's the god of destruction. But don't worry, there's no need to be worried." Ritsu said, bowing slightly. Yuichi raised his eyebrows.

"If one of them is the god of destruction, why did you say they're no threat to you? The god of destruction destroyed billions of planets and he's the strongest of all beings! Tell me the story." Yuichi demanded, curious about the event.

"As we once told you, we're from somewhere else and we just knew that our kind is very similar to the angels, the gods' teacher and assistant at the same time." This was Rutsu who said it. Yuichi gazed in shock. The high, godly beings are actually staying in a poor tribal village. No one has ever thought that the 3 sisters would've been some sort of a highly respected being.

"No worries, sir. We're not officially gods and we never thought of ourselves as one." Rutsu ended the dumbfounded stares from the others with only a few words.

"Yui-san! Are we going to play?" Yuko asked, playfully jumping up to hug Yuichi.

"Maybe later, my dear." Yuichi answered, hugging back. The twins sighed.

"Please say nothing about this." Ritsu whispered to grandpa Genji and grandma Chika. No worries for Yuichi. He never liked to talk about their secrets and they're sure that he's smart enough to know this is one.

"Now, let's go home!" Ritsu ended the conversation. "Thank you for your invitation and please excuse us!" With that, she carried Yuko, who was still bragging about how she finished Beerus in just 1 blow and also scared him to death by not doing anything.

That's a short early update! I hope you guys enjoyed reading my story! Please don't feel weird about Yuko's innocence! She's much more childish than Ritsu and Rutsu. Spoiler: Yuko is actually much stronger than them! This is true, and you'll know more about it soon, but the problem is that I'm not sure on how I should introduce it. See you on my next update!

Red Star (Dbs) | EDITING |Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt