Part 1: Meeting The Gods

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One day, while grandpa Gohan was out in the woods, he heard a sound. "What is that noise?"  He thought, as he walks towards it.

"Wait, I heard someone..." Came a childish voice. It made him stop.

"Let me check..." Said another voice, almost identical.

Out of nowhere appeared a little girl with big, bright, purple eyes and long white hair. Her skin as colorless as snow. On her fore head was a blue gem that was sealed with an ancient spell.

When she saw him, she let out a sigh of relief. "Excuse me, if I could ask, where are we?" She asked.

He knew they're just space aliens and it's not uncommon since Earth is a destination for many of them.

"You're on Earth." He replied, trying to sound calm. "And who are you? Looks like you're not from Earth..." He continued. The girl tried to explain everything. After a while, he felt 2 more presences; 2 more people of her kind are staring at him.

Flashback Ends

"Onee-chan, are you up?" Came a very familiar voice. Ritsu, Rutsu, and Yuko paused from their playing and turned to see a tall figure with messy hair in an orange training gi. It was their younger brother, Son Goku.

"Grandpa Gohan is right, I won't be able to see onee-chan grow my whole life..." Goku pouted, noticing that his older sisters are now much smaller than him.

"I-It's fine! We actually grew almost a cm taller!" Ritsu said, trying to comfort him.

"Of course we grow. Like all other living things." Rutsu added in monotone.

"Umm... ok? I'm so lucky that I'm adopted by grandpa Gohan!" He laughed, hugging his sisters, "I love you all!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot to tell you something important!" Goku realizes, as he pushes out from the hug, looking worried, "Today is Bulma's birthday party! Can you please tell her that I'm not going, since I need to train at King Kai's planet?" He pleaded.

Yuko let out a giggle. "So it's that that you're talking about?" She said teasingly. "If Chichi-san got mad, I'm not helping you ;P."

Right then, she jumped to Goku and whispered to him, "I'm not telling Chichi-san."

"Thank you onee-chan~" Goku said happily. When he was about to leave, Chichi came in. "Goku! I heard everything already! You're going to Bulma-san's party and-"

"Bye cha. See you later!" She was cutted off by Goku, teleporting to King Kai's place.

"You're not going away with that..." Chichi said, sending chills all over. "H-ha hahaha." The twins laughed nervously while Yuko only giggled at the thought of Goku getting beaten up by Chichi.

Time Skip: At Bulma's party

At the party, Yuko was playing with Goten and Trunks. Normally Ritsu and Rutsu would play with them but this time, they were spectating. As if looking out for danger.

"Riz-chan! Rus-chan! Don't worry about that. I'll take care of the meanies!" Yuko whispered cheerfully to her twin sisters.

"Yuko, don't be rash. Or precisely, overconfident." Rutsu said, a bit worried.

"Exactly. If they're really gods, the news would spread faster." Ritsu agreed. "So, it's best we hope they're not coming to Earth."


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