Chapter 5 - Initiation chaos (part 1)

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Megatron was completely surrounded by Grimm with no way of escape. The creatures of destruction ensure there will be no opening for the gladiator. Growling louder and louder, they prepared for battle. Also, he notices how well their formation was which caused suspicion. He read that Grimm possessed intelligent after a long period of time, but the way they were formatted was that of a military tactic. This level of strategic planning was something that the Grimm should not be aware of yet nor created.

Clutching a fist slowly in frustration, "So, someone with the power of Unicron is controlling the Grimm behind the scenes, but who?"

More questions filled the gladiators conflicted mind. Who was this Herald of Unicron? Where did he/she come from? Was this foe a Cybertronian like he was? Why are they doing this? What was the purpose of this senseless war? The biggest question he asked himself of all was if Scourge or Cyclonus were the ones responsible for this. After all, they still have the Blood of Unicron coursing through their veins. Optimus highly doubt that it was them because the look in their eyes showed they were done with power and conquest before exiling themselves from Cybertron.

Megatron was broke out of his trance when the Grimm started to roar. "The answers for those questions will come later." He transformed his bracers into their flail modes as he slowly marched towards the Grimm, "Surviving this battle is my top priority."

But he was surprised when his helmet slid down and a mouth guards out of his helmet and connected, but he didn't care, but it signaled that he was ready for battle. The Grimm charged forward while Megatron move a lot faster and made a war cry.

(Location switch)

Meanwhile back on top of the cliff overlooking the forest, Ozpin was holding his cane and a Scroll as Goodwitch was giving him a report of the students pairing.

"Our last pair has been formed, sir." Next, she pressed a screen of one pair then another, "Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. Poor boy. I can't possibly imagine those two getting along. Still, he's probably better off than Ms. Nikos, at least Blitzwing found don rose or soundwave as he call's himself as a partner."

Ozpin: "Hmm."

"I don't care what his transcripts say, that Jaune fellow is not ready for this level of combat. I guess we'll find out soon enough. At their current pace, they should reach the temple within a few minutes. Speaking of which, what did you as relics this year?" The man did not answer her causing Goodwitch to look at him with concern, "... Professor Ozpin?"

Ozpin was paying attention to two particular students on his Scroll. One was the young miss Ruby Rose and Megatron, but out of the two of them Megatron was the one who had his full attention. While Ruby was sitting around, Megatron was engage in combat with a huge amount of Grimm. Usually, he or a teacher would intervene since the student was too green to fight so many on their own. Yet Megatron was slaying them no problem switching from blasting them with his fusion cannon to smashing them with either his mace or flail.

Ever since Qrow brought him here, Ozpin has been curious about the 'supposedly' young gladiator. Despite his age, he was far wiser than anyone his age should be and older. His view of the world was something that took people years to come to and he was far more mature than most teenagers are. During the video, he noticed something interesting in his eyes. His eyes showed a fierce determination to survive, intense focus, and a strong drive to protect. Such eyes could only be seen in the eyes of soldiers or experience Huntsmen/Huntresses. Eyes that shouldn't belong to a young man.

Ozpin lifted his head as he stared into the distance. Just who was Megatron? What did he go through? Why does he fight and what was his reason? What was he trying to protect? More and more questions echoed inside the man's head as his curiosity grew for the gladiator. All he knows for sure that Megatron was the key in turning the tide against the Grimm like Qrow said.

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