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Blair's POV

This is going to be my first week of school and I'm nervous because I've never really fit in well. I really hope things work out with Phoebe.

After I'm dressed I walk downstairs and pour myself a glass of water and some cereal with milk. Honey Nut Cheerios to be exact.

"Good morning." I hear Castiel's deep voice behind me. I sit down at the table and say a greeting as best I can with a mouthful of cereal.

He chuckles before walking to the living room I finished setting up yesterday. I quickly finish my cereal and put the bowl in the sink. I grab my black combat boots to match my white tank top and blue and black flannel shirt.

"I'm leaving now bye Cas, love you!" I shout.

"Bye love you too. Have a good day!" I hear the reply before I walk out the door. I get into Darling, set my bag in the passenger seat and start her up ready to leave.

After I arrive at school I go straight to my locker and find Phoebe waving at me a few down with Max next to her. I assume it's because they have the same last name.

I wave back before grabbing my Advanced English supplies and walking towards them. "Hey Blair!" Phoebe says excitedly. Max just smirks and leans against the lockers watching me.

"Hi." I reply with a small smile not really used to such enthusiasm.

"Way to be cool Phoebe, you're gonna scare away your only friend." Max laughs at her. I stifle an eye roll, but Phoebe however does not.

"Shut up Max, no one asked you. Why are you even still here?" She sounds frustrated with him.

"Ok I'm leaving." He mock surrenders. Max turns on his heel and walks away with an arrogant smirk.

"Just try and ignore him please." Phoebe tells me as we start our walk to class.

"Max has always kinda been like this, but he's been worse lately. I wonder how many friends he actually has, we've only been here one semester before you, you know." Phoebe continues to vent to me. Not really sure what to do I try to nod my head and be supportive.

If I'm gonna make friends I gotta just try and be nice.

We arrive at Advanced English and begin where we left off on our project. We have until this Friday.

-Time Skip-

Today's been a long day, by the time I make it to art, last hour, I'm exhausted but ready to finish my sketch. I'm really excited, it was looking good on Friday.

I take my seat to see Max already working on his sketch. I grab my materials and sit down beginning to work, with quiet whispering around us.

Max looks up at me noticing my presence, I pretend I don't see his gaze and keep my head down. I told Phoebe during English class if I noticed anything that could explain his behavior I would tell her, but I don't want to invade his privacy. I'll have to try and let him talk to me about it.

Max clears his throat, but I continue to keep my head down working.

"How's your sketch going?" He finally asks.

"Good, yours?" I reply simply without looking at him trying to focus.

"I'm having some trouble with getting the cobblestone on the bridge right." He admits.

"Thought you said you were drawing a tree," I ask with furrowed brows still not looking up erasing and redrawing some of my lines.

"There's still a tree," he chuckles lightly. "You know when you concentrate on drawing really hard you stick the tip of you tongue between your teeth."

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