Chapter 43

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Get him back...!!

Skylar! skylar! Baby! Wake up...!!!

I picked up the glass of water kept nearby..
Sprinkle some water....! 

I did that twice!!!

Skylar!! She is waking up...!

Baby are you alright! 
I lay down to hug her....

She sobbed in my arm....

My brother!!! 
They r gonna kill him!!

I heard the footstep.......

I aparted from her....she is still crying....

Can I talk to her If you dont mind...
? Armie asked...

Sure... I said.

I kissed her forhead before leaving them alone to talk....


Henry let me talk to Sky......

She is crying so hard....her hair is messy....cheek turned red...
Eyes r red... 
Tears falling down....
Damn I hate to see her like that...

Wish I could hold her tight..
Tell her not to cry....

But i dont have that rights now....

Still i cant just let her cry like this...


We r not gonna let them hurt Steve.
He is going to be okay

Trust me....

Please dont cry....shhh...

Its going to be okay.....
I wiped her tears with my own hand....

You have to strong & help me with some I can go there & rescue Steve safely.....

She agreed to talk....stopped crying..

I talked to her & got some clue....

Not much....still i guess it will lead me to track down the location.....

Just then Henry popped in...
Like an FBI.....
Sorry i m just here to see Is she okay...

Henry told...

Its okay...she is all leaving...

I said & left...

Cz i really need to work on some plan....

Before its too late...

I & Steve did something earlier on it....

When he went there....

I just got a strong signal...

About where he is!

Im doing this alone...

Not even dragging Henry in it.......

I drive fast......

Before i lost the signal....

I let it know to Ellie...she is worried for Steve....

Told her to not to talk bout it....

Almost there Buddy!. 

I will get you out of it....steve!

I reached there It an abandoned

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