Chapter 18

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Ellie Hammer's pov :
Its a great time with Steve..
I'm so tired but I have some assignment to do...
but I'm so sleepy...
I go to bed...sleep...
till my alarm buzz off...
damn! Its Sunday!
I wanna  sleep some more I turn it off....

then I get up from my bed...
took my shower...

I dressed up....
breakfast time...

Good morning Dad.
Morning honey.
Morning Brother.
Morning..How's your study going? He asked.
Dad is going to the farm house...
you wanna go????.
He asked.
Wow I like the place..
I really really wanna go...
but are not you coming??
Lets have fun....c'mon.
its holiday! 
He is going to the Cambridge for a week!  Dad said..
Oh really!???
I laughed. Romie going to meet his Juliet huh!?
I teased...
For work okay? Bro confirmed...
Hey You can bring Steve with you guys. He once said he wants to visit there....
Call him! Right now!

Bro you r genius...
I rush to my phone.
Called him...

Hey morning!
how r you?I asked.
Fine...he added.

Do you have any plan for today?
Dad & I are going to our farm house.Bro saying you wanted to go....
why don't you come & join us...

I WOULD love to....

Yaaaah pack your bag...come soon.Don't be late....I said.
Okay - he said.

I again went to the dinning table.told them that he is coming....

That's great.Have fun.Dad gotta go....
bro hugged Dad...
Take care dad..
I gave him a hug... whispered...
Don't do any stupid things okay she went there for study....

I'm going for attending some conference...
& I will meet her if I get some time... he added.

Oh c'mon I know you very well...
you will meet her first you can cancel your conference for her Mr Romeo..  I teased again.

Will you stop calling me that name.   .. 
its annoying....
okay I'm getting late...
take care....
I m gonna miss you guys....

bro said & he left for the airport.

half hour later...

Steve came...
wow you look so handsome....

I was about to kiss him on cheek...
dad came up...I stopped.....went lit bit far from steve...
Hey Steve....
r you ready to go son...?

yeah I guess I m...

okay lets go then...

it will be fun...
I will take you to the fishing.
I have boat you know....
last time I & Armie catched a big salmon should watch it how big it was...

Dad I have the picture... I screamed.
show him.....Dad said...
I showed Steve all the pic....

wow it was huge - Steve said.

Armie Hammer 's Pov :
I took a quick non stop flight to London.
I have to attend a conference there....its really important to be in time.   

& also I'm so excited to meet Skylar after a lot time...
well I have not told her I'm coming.
all this happened so suddenly...
I wanted to surprise her...
first I need to be in the conference today...
then I will go to meet her then I have another conference after 2 days...

after my flight I reached just in time.....

I attended my conference it went so well....

I gave the news to my dad....
He sounds so happy..

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