Chapter 33

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Skylar's Pov :
On my way to university but i was thinking about last night..
i dont know what should i do....
I'm really not ready to be in a relationship again...  not again...
my heart isnot mended yet..

i have reached...
i havenot seen Mr cavill since last night...
i wanted to meet him...but i was told he is not in his chamber...
but he should be here...
i needed him to submit some files...for presentation...

His assistant said to handed him those files he will give them to professor himself...
I said i will submit them myself...

is he avoiding me!!!!

my all classes r done... about to reach home...
got a call phone my dad...
he is saying he wants me to visit home...he is missing me very much. .
dad i miss you too but my semester final is near....

i need to prepare myself....
why dont you come here to meet me   ...
Dad said he will come & meet me soon....

i ended the call...
i think Steve discussed with dad about me & Armie...

I found mr Cavill entering his home.   .

Prof   ..... i called...

He is shocked to see me...

I went in your chamber you werenot there?!

Oh yes i had to attend some meeting....about upcoming exams & tours...

oh  looks like exam is postponding for a month due to some issues..

Wow thats sound great..

I went near him & said...

I thought you r avoiding me...after last night....
im so sorry if i hurt you...
i didnt mean to hurt you....

He looked into my eyes..
said "To be honest i wanted to avoid & thought i will never see your face again  "
but i couldnot.... Skylar...
I was there in my chamber...i told my assistant to lie to you because i didnt want to talk to you...... see here im talking to you.....

I said" you r the only one who was there with me when i needed someone...i dont want to lose you...."

he holds my hand & said "Me neither"
Just promise me "you wont walk away from me like you did yesterday"
I wont - I said...

***New york City***

Armie Hammer's Pov :

i think i need a weep out my past bad memories......

called all my buddies....
we planned to go spain...for summer vacation.........

Steven R Mcqueen's pov :

Ellie came yesterday....
we had a nice time together....i have given a key to her she can come to my apartment & stay whenever she want....she is my fiance afterall....

I look into my room...its look messy...
i dont allow any servent at this apartment... i do all my work alone....i spent some time of myself here when im tired of everything.....

i start to clean my room....
First i need to remove all my files to the locker...

when im working i got a call from my dad....he said he is going to visit Lily...
he is missing her badly..
I wish i could go but work....
I expressed my thought... Dad said its okay...she will come & stay with us when her exam is over . ..

safe journey dad...
take care son - Dad ended the call....

when i was shuffling my files...
by number....something dropped...

its a CD of tour of 2013.....

I played it on my laptop....

its our tour to norway...
......Day 1.....
Suddenly i paused on someone...
its my best friend Hailey....
Hailey & me were the best buddies...everyone envied us....
Our bond was strong....
i missed it.....

My eyes gets teary......i dont wanna recall my memories...
i stopped it & put it back where it was....

I wish that day never come.... we would b still together...
i regret losing her...

i never understood her...
i wish I could..

I never go back that city since than.... lots of memory involved with that city...
bcz of that i dont even visit my beloved sister.....
I really dont wanna recall those memories...........

my phone's ringing..
Incoming call "Ellie"

Ellie Hammers Pov :

Since my brother separated us from Mcqueen's i have not talk to him   ....
He tried to talk many time i was so angry..

I think of it a lot....

I think i should let it go...
However he is...
still my brother.... i know that he loves me a lot....

I want to talk & fix the problem between us...
mayb i can help Him by this way....

He looks so upset all the time....

He doesnt eat properly....

I knocked his door....


Are you busy...can we talk...

i said 

Sure....come inside..he said...

we both sit...

We havenot talk since long time......i added..
Yep you stop talking to me....

Im sorry....i shouldnot misbehaved with r my big brother.....

He said " i should say sorry to you & steve... its not you guys fault  
i was throwing my anger on wrong people.....
Steve is a good guy...
Im happy you have choosen himself for you........

He is not responsible for whatever happended...

It means we r back....?

I asked....
no matter what happened you will b always my adorable Ellie...
Your brother loves you.....

he said...
I gave him a hug....

can I do anything for you....

I asked.....

its okay sweety...i will be just fine.....just needed some time to heal.....

He said....

Tell steve I want to apologize to him....
Invite him for dinner.....he said..

Okay - I answered...

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