Chapter 4

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Ellie's Pov :

I have reached home...
I need to talk to bro...

He was waiting for me..

Why did you do that????.
You cant beat someone just because he danced with your sis...
I shouted  at him..

HE was getting too cosy with you...
He answered me..

So what???? Its just a dance...

I said.

so what??? Ellie Did you forget it that you belongs to a respected family...
I don't wanna see press is writing something bad about my sister...Damaging our family reputation...
I wont allow it...bro said angrily

you r covering your mistake in the name of family reputation...
MY MISTAKE??? HE repeated
I said "Yes your mistake"
I stromed out to my room...
again back to him...

threw the car key so rudely on floor..

I don't need your car...
take it back..

ELLIE...LISTEN TO...ME....He said.

Armie Hammer's Pov :

All I'm trying to say to her not to do anything harmfull for herself & our family ... but she is so stubborn sticking on her point...

I need to talk to dad about this..

before that I need some research & talk to Skylar...

  I called on Skylar's home...

she picked it Up....

Skylar????.can you meet tomorrow? 
I fixed a meeting with her...make sure she does not tell about this to Ellie..

Skylar 's Pov :

I knew this Armie would contract to me after what happened..

Who was that???? Steve asked...
Its Armie...

Uh what's he saying??? He said.

Wanna meet...

sounds interesting...Steve teased.

shut up steve!!! Nothing like that...I protest.

kay- He said.

Steve & I are watching A movie...

I didn't tell him anything about that club incident..

I'm so nervous about what's he gonna ask...

Its Sunday tomorrow..
off day. ..

I put on my fav outfit...

Went to the place he said...

Armie is already waiting...

Sorry I'm lit late..
I replied.

Its alright...

You r just 7 minutes late..

I'm glad that you  came &
I'm so sorry about last night..
I talked so harshly to you..

True... but its alright- I replied.

How since when you r dating the boy I beat yesterday...?? 

He enquired...

oh ah almost 6 months...

SKYLAR tell me since when I know you??

He asked...

since when I was born...

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