Chapter 27

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Ellie Mcqueen 's Pov : 

Steve & I r so happy... we got engaged today..I'm staying for a while here....Brother just about to leave.... he went to say bye to skylar in her room.....

I'm at steve's room....watching everything...
he is not here...
I found an album in the bookself...
Steve's college life's pictures...
he looks like so popular....
in there...
with his busketball team...
holding housecup....

my champ looks hot...♥


What r you looking at!?he asked..

Oh look what I  have  found!!!
He also looking at the pictures with me....
Looks like all minorities flashing infront of my eyes.......

I have noticed a picture...
Steve & a boy & a beautiful curly girl in the middle...

Who is this girl!?You guys were close! Aren't you!??? I asked..

Yep... (left a breathe)
she was my best friend...

She was!????? I further asked..

yeah.......Steve replied..

I have noticed That his expression just been changed...

what happened between you too!?????
I asked curious...

Ellie!! I don't wanna talk bout this right now....

Okay I didn't mean to hurt you....
I'm sorry... I said...bcz it made him upset.

Its okay- & he smiled..

I'm glad to see him smile again..

Lets make lunch.... & surprise everyone....

You & Lunch???? I asked...

yeah why....I can cook well....steve said.
Ha ha.... I don't believe you...

Oh yeah...ok I just need an assistant that's it.. wanna be my assistant????  He asked...
Yes sir I replied...

Lets go then....

we headed to kitchen..

Skylar 's Pov :

it was my brothers engagement night....everything was going good until mom made it worse for me......
Now armie knows about it....
I feel so embarrassed....

I'm at my room now.......

someone knocked...

its Armie...



just came to say bye....I'm going home..Ellie is staying.......

Stay for the lunch - I said...

I would love to..but I really need to go for a meeting....

but if you want we can go for a dinner date tonight....

he said.    ....

No....I said...

Why...c'mon.....he insisted..

Look I know why r u doing this.......I'm upset bcz mom hates me..  you wannted to make me feel good.... I appreciate it but you don't have to do it...
I can handle this....I'm facing this for a long doesn't even matter to me.....
it doesn't hurt me.....see I'm fine.....(tear in my eyes)

He holds his arm... whispered.... She doesn't hate you.......

Steven Mcqueen 's pov :

I have said her that I can cook well.....but I never cooked...

I don't know what gonna happen....


So Mr cheff... what r u cooking tonight..

What do you wanna eat????  I asked...

Pizza!!!! She said


You stay here....I need to bring something....

I bought a cooking magazine...

....I start reading.....

first we need to mould the flour...
Assistant do it for me....
Me????she asked.
yes... I ordered.
okay sir...

I go for the vege & green chili...

I start chopping....onions...

then chili...My hand burning for chilli...

Steve!???? Honestly... have you ever even chop chillies!????

What!!!  I have done it million times... Ask from Sky...she will tell you......

oh yeah......

Ellie!!! I call.. hands r.....
before I finish....she said... wash your hand soon I know your hands r burning......

I washed my hands.....

I sprinkled some water on her...

Steve!!!! What r u doing!!!!

I cornered her.....

moved hair from her face....

kissed her.....
holding her back.......

she went to finish her unfished work (flour moulding)

I stay behind her....
kissing her neck..... kissed on her lips again...
she cut me saying..."we should go back to our work.."

with help of Ellie finally I have cooked a pizza for the first time...

she took a picture n posted it on insta... tagging me......

Caption "someone made it for the first time"

I commented "That's a lie...I have made it many many times"

Ellie replied "in your dream???? "

I replied "very funny '

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