Chapter 13

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Ellie hammer's pov :

we r going to the LAS vegas...
Its vegas baby...
I definitely need some shopping....

I called Skylar...
I took her with me..
a lot of shopping....
So should I start to call you sis in law already...
No way!!!
Skylar is better to hear - She said...

why don't you buy something for you too....?

I suggested..
oh no...
I have had it already...

but I really wanna buy something for someone...

sky added..
uhh hoo...
I know who is your someone....
I winked....
at her..
she laughed...

I went to a clothe shop...
she went to a gent clothes store....

I gave her a tip...
brother loves to have a large collection of tie...

Thanks Ellie...

I finished all my shopping...

lets go to the food section.

We ate pizza...
& smoothie...

When are you two going???
Sky asked...


Oh enjoy your trip...

just keep your insta updated...
I wont wanna miss any moment...

haha okay..I added..

Steven R Mcqueen pov :

I'm so excited..
going to a two day trip with Ellie for the first time....  

I m going to bed early tonight so I I can get up early tomorrow..
we have a morning flight.

Wake up wake up wake up
Wake up...
ugh... this damn alarm clock...
I stopped it......

get up finally...
took a shower..
its a lovely morning...

I get dressed...
packed my bag...
took everything I need...

off to go...

I'm gonna pick her from her home....   

almost there....

She is ready to go....

I said hello to Uncle & Armie...
they were drinking their coffee...

Armie offered me
to have coffee with them..
but we r getting late.....

Have a safe trip - He wished...

thanks.  man!

Ellie said bye to
Her father& bro...

are we going for a year or what!!! 

I joked to see her sayin good bye to the family....

C'mon steve!

I'm not gonna see them for two days.  .

Its only two days!

we went to the airport..
finally we r into the plane...

a couple sits just infront of us...
& they r makin out shamelessly..

I tried to avoid it...
Steve gave me a weirdo look....


I asked...

I feel like throw up...I  said.

I suppose to say that... she said
she  laughed hard.. ..

I love the way she laugh.
it makes me feel happy.

we are safely landed on Las vegus....

we got a car arrived for us..
it will take us to the hotel...
everything arranged by the function organizer of Ellie's College..

woah this is a luxury hotel - Ellie said.

I have stayed in more better....

I added..

Oh yeah???
she question.
I replied.

but I like this one...
not bad. ...
what r you sayin this place is beautiful.

I loved it here......


Ellie & Steve went to the Vegus for two days trip.....

I'm at office still...
I have a dinner date with Skylar...

so I went to home lit bit early...

reached home.....

talked to my sis.
They are landed safely..enjoying there...

Then I took a quick shower....

grab my fav stripped blue shirt with black denim jeans....

You look handsome..
Dad praised.
Thanks Dad...

off to Mcqueen's....

you look so pretty..

She weared a black dress & her red lipsticks..

after having a finest dinner...
we decided to have some time alone...
she is not gonna be around..

I took her to the beach..

its night...
no one come here this time....
walking with her.....

Are you gonna miss me when I wont be around...?

She asked..
a lot.....
I said.....

I walked there for a while.....

then its time to return...

Almost forget...
I bought something for you....

what is it!!!

she gave me a smallest box...

Its a tie...
I loved it.....

Ellie told you this
I have a obsession with ties...
God! This is so embarrassing....

Why is that!! There is nothing to be embarrassed...
seriously armie...
its Cool...

You know what my obsession is???
she asked...

I think I know what's that.....


What? she asked curiously..

with red lipsticks...

I said. did you get it???!

That's my trick..
not gonna tell you....
I added....

we r home.....

before she get out of car I pressed my lips to her...

kissed more passionately...

then pulled out....

she looked shocked....

Sorry your redlips driving me crazy...I got distracted...

then I said good night to her....

only 3days left....
she will be far away from here......

I drive alone to my home....

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