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Archie's POV :

I have some private work..I have to go to out of town...
Finally going back to NY.
I texted Ellie Bellie about it..
She is very excited to meet after one freaking day.....
she is getting so obsessed with me...
That's what I wanted..
she is totally my girl now....
I have been with so many girls before... but Ellie is so different.. she is innocent & charming one..
& crazy about me.....

Ellie 's Pov :
I was getting bored at home...
got a text from my Arch...
I need to go to his place...
I changed into something special...
Black outfits with red lipstick & let my hair open...
I drived my car to his apartment...he gave me the key of his apartment ..
I can go there anytime...

I have reached before him...
I waited for him...
finally he is here...I can hear  sound of his car's Engine...

ARCHIE!!! I jump on him...
he holds me tight...
Kissed me on the lip....
his hand on my back....
He is locking the door not stopping the kiss....
we go to the couch...
he pushed me there....on the top of me....kissing...
I pulled out his shirt...
He reached into the neck....kissing & running his hand over me....
when he is done...stopped...& said... Missed your smell...
kissed again..
me too...
I'm hungry....
Archie said..
lets order something..
He ordered pizza..

so what's the plan???? I asked...
Lets go to the club...

Kay- I agreed.

Arch do you mind if I take a friend with me???  Brother will asked if I'm late...
if she goes with me I wont have to say anything....

Okay No problem...

I called.. Skylar...told her to get ready... picking her up in 20minutes...

Babe lets go....

Picked skyLar up from his home & Off to go...

here we come...

ahhh love this song...

Dj playing my fav song..

Dirty sexy money by David guetta & afrojack...

Dancing with arch...

Skylar is talking a friend of her...she met here....

Arch showed some funny dancing moves to me....

I laughed a lot......

Armie Hammer 's Pov :

I was so busy these days...
Meetings & new projects...

just finished a meeting with steven....
I like that hard working...
when His age of boys r busy with  dating girls & partying...
here he is doing fabulous job...
winning awards every year...

Got a call from my Fiance...
yep I'm free now...okay I will pick u up...

She is going to the club....
We have not spending much its good to be spend some time with her...

I went to home....changed my suit to something casual...

Picked her up...

where to miss???I asked.

Gentleman will you take me to the best club of NY?

I will ma'am...

Off to go.....

I stayed at bar...

I don't dance...
she forced me to the dance floor...

you go....I better watch you from here.... always do that....

she dragged me to the dance floor....

I just trying to keep up with her dance step...

I'm sorry not so good in dance...

Your not bad Either.. Mr Hammer.

Suddenly my eyes fall on boy..
I saw him somewhere...
He is dancing so closely to a girl.....

while dancing...
I tried to look away.... but I paused & cant hold myself seeing...
my sister....
with him...

I go there....grabbed his collar....punched him on the face...

ELLIE is trying to stop me....

Bro stop...
he is my friend...

What kind of friend...

I saw you two....

No....You got it wrong..

...Who is He???.
I yelled...

He is the boyfriend of Skylar..
I saw skylar is rushing here...

What just happened??

Omg! Archie you are bleeding...

What happened...

Ask your boyfriend...
I told this to skylar & stromed out from the place....

Liza followed me....


Ellie Texted me to go to the club with her...
so I was waiting for her....

She picked me up..

she is dancing with her boyfriend..

I saw a friend of mind....
I was talking to him...
when I'm done...
I back to the place where I left archie n Ellie...

I saw Archie on the floor...he is bleeding....

What's he doing here..!

Then I asked...

What just happened guys..

"Ask your boyfriend ' Armie said this to me so rudely n left..

My brain is not work...

My boyfriend...
who! What does he mean!

Ellie looks so hurt...

I'm sorry sky..
I told him...Archie is your boyfriend..
I'm so know I did it to save him...
I know how hipper he can be..

ELLIE hammer's POV : I was dancing with Arch....suddenly bro came & messed everything up...

I had to lie that Arch is not but skylar 's boyfriend...
to stop the fight..

I hold him to stand.... wiped his bleed..

are you alright...bae...I'm so sorry...
he is so overprotective on me...

I'm so sorry arch..

Its alright...I'm fine...

I think we should go now...

Skylar suggested...

I dropped her...Arch went to his apartment..

but I need to talk to bro...

I drived to home.....

He cant do that....
I'm so mad at him....right now...

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