Too fast

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Jason's POV( one of the seven)

We raced over to the scream only to see Jake's army invading Camp Half-Blood. This could not be happening! When Zeus gave the dust to me he said that it would put us on October 11th, not October 21st! I checked my watch to see if it did take us too far. Nope. It's October 11th all right. The question is, how did Jake's army come a week earlier? He is in the past?! No, that's not it either. Percy said Jake committed suicide.

Percy and Annabeth turned to me as well as the other group members of the seven. They were frightened. Frightened to see their world they loved taken away from them again. Even for me. Other days before were a blur, but how could I forget this one. Not this day or the next I thought I would ever relive this day. What a horrid present.

"I know why. In the past, I had found out that Jake was going to attack the camp, so I killed his most prized assassin which prevented the army from attacking the camp for a week, but I didn't kill the assassin group today, so the army is marching today." Percy explained.

"Oh, that's why we didn't see you the whole day ad spent THE WHOLE DAY looking for you!" Frank realized.

"What do we do now?" Hazel asked desperately. The army had begun to shoot at Zeus's temple.

"If we die, our future selves won't be there anymore so we need to stay alive, and your son Percy, won't exist either. The dust will only take us back to little Jason in a week until then we need to go into hiding." Piper informed all who were quite scared at the thought that they might die for real this time.

"We can go to my hideout. They won't find us there." Annabeth suggested.

"You had a secret hideout and you didn't tell me?!" Percy whined as Annabeth gave him a deathly stare. "Sorry, wrong timing." Percy, the others, and I quickly followed Annabeth occasionally using our powers to protect ourselves from the destruction flying in the air.

As we came to the Athena cabin, Annabeth took the key from her necklace, going inside the cabin then speaking the words "Athena the goddess of wisdom and crafts help me through this difficult journey.", and with that, the book self slid sideways revealing a secret door. She took out the key and put it in the keyhole which allowed her to open it. Once everyone was inside, the book self-closed and Leo lit his hand on fire to provide light. Behind the door, facing us were 100 different mechanisms attached to it. "Each one of these mechanisms have to be either solved or broken which is impossible because Hephaestus and Athena themselves helped me make this compartment."Annabeth finished locking the door in place in 10 mins then lead us down the winding staircase leading to a room leading to more rooms.

"With 3 master bedrooms, two bathrooms, one big living room, and another small bedroom we should be able to stay here for a week undetected." Piper was amazed at what she saw.

"And it has a tv-" "And lot's of food!" Percy and Leo jumped up and down.

"They won't be able to detect because Hephaestus created the walls to be off of the map. Unless Hephaestus allows it to be detected, we are safe." Annabeth said answering Hazel's unsaid question.

"For now. For now we are safe."

Demigod Out!

Hoped you liked it!

Phoebe Blackwood!

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