The Ones that Suffer

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A/N : I've included a picture of Valentina Cervi, my actress choice for Hope & Charity. But I would love to hear readers idea's for this part! :D - moonkeeper-

The church was swarmed with police officers scouring the area and locals hovering on the fringes muttering darkly together. Hannah gasped when she saw that the once beautiful stained glass windows had been blown out. There was a build-up of noise and panic when the spectators noticed Hannah's presence. Hannah was too preoccupied to worry about any of the locals noticing her very sudden entrance. 

Hannah stretched onto the tips of her toes and craned her neck - scanning the crowd. Sarah spotted Hannah first. She charged at her and pulled Hannah into a tight hug. Hannah clutched her cousin to her, thankful that she was alright. Hannah broke from the hug first, checking her cousin over for sign of injury. She seemed fine. Sarah began gabbling very quickly.

"Oh Hannah I'm so glad that you are here." Sarah's eyes were wide with warning, "we were attacked and held up in the church by a gang of thugs." Hannah nodded once, to say that she understood what Sarah was doing. "They completely destroyed the place, but they all were masks so it's impossible for us to identify them." A police officer was eyeing them both suspiciously.

"What happened to you?" He asked Hannah in a curt tone. Hannah's stomach dropped. She was covered in blood. Her face had not even fully healed yet from the extent of the wolf's damage. 

"Fell down the stairs," Hannah mumbled lamely. She turned back to Sarah. "Is everyone okay?" Sarah sidestepped the question.

"Let's get you home and cleaned up a bit. You don't need me any more officer do you?" The policeman looked very unhappy but grudgingly assented. Hannah tried to avoid the curious glances and winced when she saw the horrified expressions of Jack and Jordan.  Once they had escaped the crowd Sarah began her explanation.


"She was trying to take control? Make him one of her puppets?" They had reached their street now, the curtains twitched in the windows.  

"No it wasn't like that. I think she was just talking to him but so that only he could hear what she was saying."

"What was she saying?"

"I don't know. He's in hospital...she put some kind of curse on his legs. They kind of shrivelled up - like raisins." 

Hannah choked and then had to swallow back some sick that rose in her throat. "I had to tell mum and dad everything. So that they would go along with my story of what happened and in the end I also told them about you and Lucy..." They had reached the house now. Lights were on which meant that Hope was home. Hannah's legs suddenly felt like lead.

"How did she take it?"


Hope packed her bags.

"I can't handle this, it's just too...weird. I'm leaving for a bit. Sarah, I want you to come with me." Hope was very pale and her face was a mess from crying. She couldn't look Hannah in eye and shuddered whenever her niece got too close.  

"I can't can't. We have to save Lucy!" Hope just kept shaking her head. She stormed out of the house, down the drive and threw her stuff into the backseat of her car. "But you're our mum, you're supposed to take care of us!" Sarah finally shouted after her. Hope ignored her and got into the driver's seat and turned the ignition.

"Drive safe." Hannah advised pathetically.

"Mum! Mum! MUM!" Sarah ran after her mum's car, Hannah caught her at the end of the drive.

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