Chapter 19: Short

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"It's been over a month stop your complaining"

"Doesn't mean that I trust you."

"Oh really? I'm sorry, who got locked up and hunted like an animal?"

Robin rumbled and sat down before continuing. "Whatever. Don't keep Batman waiting hurry up RH."

Jane rolled her eyes before Rosin showed up at the door way and the two headed to the hanger.

After days of questioning, psych evaluations and training they finally had a solo mission. The only reason for this was because they had worked with each other and not the rest of the team before. Their mission would be given by the one and only dark night oncsqe they got on his jet. It was in the evening and the sun was heading down. Colors of red and orange scattered in the sky and made the clouds appear like something from a painting.

Once they both got in and bucked up Batman started the engine.

"Your mission is in Central City and both of you are going to help Flash with one of his meta problems. Thought since you are somewhere near a meta human that you could connect to the person. He will give you more information when we drop you two off at his lab."

"Your a detective and don't know what the mission is?"

"Its been hectic in Gotham this week Jane. Starling City is just a hop away. If you need back up call them."

"Is it serious?"

"No but just in case. You never know if something bad could happen."

Rosin leaned it so Jane could only hear her.

"These people aren't good at keeping secrets are they?"

"You'd be shocked."

A few minuets later they landed, Jane and Rosin had their masks on to not cause any unneeded attention. Getting to Star Labs they met Cisco and in Rosin's case Barry as well.

Cisco energetically started to talk once they took off the masks seeing that Barry didn't have his.

"I am really fascinated by how that happened but we will have that for late." Zipping around to his computers he started pulling up footage and various files. " Caitlin lost control of Killer Frost her literal alter ego and is freezing all of downtown."

"Is that it?"

"We have a no killing rule, she is our friend."

"We just bring her here and that it? Where do you want her to be when we bring her back?"

"We will handle that part you just bring her back. Sending her location now and coming up with better hero names."

Typing away at the keyboard Barry was walking out but Jane caught him.

"So this really is a solo op?"

"Yea uh...Batman told me to leave this one to you unless things escalate."

Sighing Jane looked over to Rosin and the two headed out of the lab. Giving a pulse the devices on both of them suddenly malfunctioned and in a few short minutes they found her.

The trail of car alarms and ice lead them to Killer Frost. Her almost white eyes glowed as she zipped around to spot the supposedly new heroes. Raising her hand slowly as icicles formed in the air and tried piercing through them. Rosin managed to get on top of a building while Jane hid in the opposite ally way. Splitting up it would prove to be more difficult to chase.

A whistle, a tune came out in all directions. The shadows seemed to move and Killer Frost grew angrier and angrier as she lost her patience. A voice echoed through the wind calling to something. A blue blaze hit her back but as Frost turned around it stopped to see no one there. Her eyes darted frantically in search of the two. Something dug into her back and next thing she knows she's in Star Labs. The two hero's stood on top of her as blood started to pool on the floor.

It didn't take the duet long to trick Killer Frost nor successfully injure her.

"Didn't mention that I couldn't injure her. If she was a real threat I wouldn't play hide and go seek but this was a test to see us in 'real' action."

"Then why did you-"

Frost shifted as her hair turned back to copper and the color in her sun appeared.

"It's fine Barry, I'm good." Struggling to get her balance Barry helped her to get patched up.

"So now what?"

Cisco turned around with a note notebook. "We are going to give you some new names..."

Rosin snickered. "Why so all of this can be unreal? Our code names mean something just besides it's common one. Unless you have a problem keep brainstorming and see where you end up..."

She tried to be intimidating but Rosin was so short that Cisco couldn't help but laugh and in turn get a playful attack. Jane wandered off into the hallways where she could get lost in her thoughts. She knew that this was her life. To be a hero means to sacrifice. She had sacrificed a lot, everyone she held close to her was gone except Rosin. She was getting braver but believed that she couldn't do it alone. She hesitates too many times but eventually she would rise to he occasion.

Without warning her back felt like it was on fire. Swallowing down a scream of pain she heard Rosin's wounded call for help. Falling to her knees Jane used the wall to keep her somewhat upright. Barry came to her but didn't touch her. He saw something. Snapping out of it he carried Jane back into the main room with Rosin. Forcing one of her eyes open she could see Rosin's back glowing red and orange. The reflection off the floor and various other objects told her it wasn't just Rosin but herself as well that had something inscribed into their backs. It burned as though it was alive yet on fire. It burned the inscription into their backs and scars appeared. Just as quickly as it came upon them it stopped.

Slowly the two caught their breaths.

"Has something like this happened before?"

"Once. Read us the inscription or take a picture of it so we can see what it says."

Cisco handed them his phone to show a series of patterns.

"Shadows dance..." Jane said the two words and looked at Rosin in confusion but she only gave a shrug.

"Who sent it to you?"

"It's a message from the Astral Plain, the only way of communication so it could be almost anyone."

"What dose it mean?"

"Give the photo and translation to Batman. He can figure it out."

Cisco got up from his chair. "I am going to get some Jitters and I'm sure we can all use a little break."

Rosin and Jane glanced at both of them unsure where it was.

Barry and Cisco walked out of the room with the other two trailing behind.

That was the last thing Jane could remember.

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