Chapter 4: Flames

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The next morning Jane woke up in the med bay. Last night she had redressed her wounds like she was told to do but some of Canary's questions were still bothering her. Three in particular: mentioning her birth certificate, her escape route and the scars on her back. Obviously judging by the way she asked the questions she without a doubt has been trained in interrogation. She seems intimidating just in her posture, someone whom you don't want to get into a fight with. Her outfit reflects her personality, everyone's did except for herself. All she had was some old t-shirt and pants that poorly fit her.

Sitting up Jane could see something was on top a set of mobile drawers. She got out of bed and went to where the pile was. Unfolding it she could see a short tail coat that went above her knees and connected at the waist to a skin tight suit accented with blue lines going across it, a hood was connected to it, armor was on the shoulder and hip areas giving it some more flare. Boots that she didn't see were sitting off to the side and had the rubber soles where the same blue as the accents on the suit. Slick black gloves were underneath it had been revealed that also had a similar type of blue highlights on it.

Putting it on she could see how the short trench coat was cut so it wouldn't limit movement and the suit covered the rest of her arms. The boots were light as was the entire suit. A belt around the waist could hold a couple of small things. Nothing bagged down and everything fitted perfectly. Fixing the rolled up cuffs on the very top of her arm that marked the change between the coat and the suit she heard a squeal from behind her.

"OH MY GOSH! YOU LOOK AMAZING!" M'gann squeak as she hugged Jane.

"S-still need to breath."

"Whoops, sorry." She chuckled nervously. " We're heading down for training before breakfast and I wanted to see if you wanted to join us."

"Sure, do I wear this or the other clothing I had?"

"You'll want to wear what you got on, believe me."

The pair started walking down the hall and to the elevator.

"So what do you guys do when your not out in the field?"

"Well the boys usually play video games or fight over the remote. Me and Artemis usually go to one of our rooms and binge watch something since she's not into makeover and I assume that you don't either." She giggled. "But we don't get a lot of free time usually. What do you usually do?"

"I don't know... I use to draw a lot."

"That's cool, you should teach me some time."

"Sure, so what are we supposed to do here?"

"Well there's a ring and you just fight usually one on one and try to knock the other person down or out of the ring."

"Ok, who are you fighting today?"

"We don't know until we get into the room and one of our superiors tells us, most likely its Canary."

Pushing open the door to the room Kid Flash and Conner were already there and were waiting on the other three to arrive. Once everyone was in the same room Canary came in shortly.

"Today's training will be different, you all will work together and run a course in the forest around the base. As a team you must complete an objective that will remain unclear, if everyone makes it back together then everyone will be let out of training early. However if one of you is left behind then we have and extra 2 hours of training. This is to prepare incase one of our transmission don't come in clearly leaving your team to figure out what's wrong."

The group of teens approached the doorway open to the forest. It was the same one Jane went through the other day.

"Ok, Wally and M'gann will scout up ahead while the rest of us look for clues. If you see anything come back and lead the rest of us there, M'gann can you connect us?"

This is really weird

It takes some time to get use to

Yea, hooray for psychic connection

how did you even do this M'gann?

It's something all martians can do not just me. I'm not even that good at the rest of the stuff.

Get serious you guys, we need to focus and stop the chit chat. The league is probably watching to see how well we work, let's not disappoint


Of corse Boy Wonder, wouldn't want to disappoint daddy bat

Oh man, Boy Wonder? And I thought my other name was bad...

Grr...formation 294, plan c

Wait what's that?

Just follow our lead


I'm not helpless, I have been trained Robin so stop treating me as though I'm a child.

Doesn't help that you look like one


Wally disappeared in a flash as M'gann flew over the tree tops, Robin led the others until Jane decided to go a-wall and disappear. Leading the others twirls the east side of the island where M'gann found something.

It wasn't that she wanted to but something drew her away from the mission.Following the sound of rustling leaves and broken branches she managed to catch glimpses of whatever IT was. A lizard like tail, scales that were ombré from black to orange to red, tuffs of jet black hair, horns of obsidian, pear white fangs, eyes glowing orange and dagger like nails. Suddenly, in mid chase...

It fired.

Caught off guard the blast hit her with such force that it knocked her down. The thing walked towards her, using her elbow to prop her up. The shade the trees provided masked its identity just enough.

"Thought the infamous Black Sheep would have put up a better fight..."

"How do you know that name? Who are you?"

"You don't recognize who I am?" it hissed and the orange glow increased.

"Your FRIEND?"

"Your ALLIE?"



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