Chapter 6

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After Saguru's father left, Aoko turned to look at Kaito. "Explain to us why you're stealing and breaking the law, Kaito."

He leaned against the a cupboard and sighed. "Remember my father's death?" he asked softly.

"He was the first Kaitou KID. My mom was Phantom Lady. He was approached by this organisation that Kudo Shinichi took down months ago but from a different branch. The one he was handling back then was the poison making branch that makes people immortal. I know it sounds crazy but this organisation kills people for that. My father helped for a while to find a jewel that grants immortality called Pandora before he knew what they were going to do with it. So they found out about his real identity and killed him by messing with his stage equipments one day. I was only six that time, Aoko. A freaking six years old. I got to know about it when I found out about his KID lab and Jii-san told me about everything. I knew that my father's death wasn't an accident. It was on purpose. But the police claimed it an accidental death! I watched my father worked hard on his tricks the night before! He would never make any mistakes!"

Kaito took a shuddering breath to calm himself down. "At first I took on the mantle for revenge, to avenge my father's death but now, my goal is to capture every single one of them so that they wouldn't be able to find Pandora. I don't care if I got hurt every time because they shot at me but they kill others to get that probably nonexistent gem. None of you knows that Kaitou KID is under FBI protection as a favour from Kudo Shinichi because I helped him take down the main branch of the Black Organisation that caused so many deaths of not just Japan but also in America," Kaito said.

"I know you hate me but I won't stop this job until I get all of them in prison. I kept this a secret because if they know that Kuroba Kaito is Kaitou KID, they won't just killed me. They will kill every one of you. They will also kill Shinichi and his own friends because me and Shinichi are close friends since birth. His mom, Kudo Yukiko, was a student of my father and my mom's best friend. His father, Kudo Yuusaku and my own father were friendly rivals. His father knew tou-san's identity as Kaitou KID, even helped him a few times to find Pandora. The one that knows now are Shinichi, Hattori Heiji, Saguru, Shinichi's friend Haibara Ai and Shinichi's parents. They know that they should keep this a secret especially with the sniper still on the run. If you value your life and the lives of others, you need to keep this a secret as well. One word out and you can cause everyone's deaths around you."

With that, Kaito left the house with shame, heading to his room to pack up for tomorrow. He sat down on his bed and felt his heart shattered at the thought of his soulmate committing suicide. He felt so ashamed of himself and wonders if Saguru was gonna push him away again like he did when Kaito called the first time he left.

He packed up and kept checking it for a few times in case he had forgotten anything before laying on his bed, staring at the ceiling while thinking.

He hadn't felt any romantic attraction to Aoko for months now. Ever since he had found out that Saguru was his soulmate, he yearned for the latter. He never thought that rejecting his soulmate would drive him to suiciding.

He mindlessly went through his phone to check the consequences of one that got rejected by their soulmate.

With every line he read only made him guiltier and his heart felt heavier than before.


Feeling detached from reality

Slowly losing their emotions

Constantly feel miserable

Succumbed into severe depression


Pure insanity / Suicide

Kaito locked his phone again and curled into a ball, blaming himself again and again for causing so much pain on his soulmate.

He clutched his chest and vowed to make things better for him and Saguru as he tried to calm down slowly.

"It's gonna be okay," he whispered to himself before falling asleep, dreaming about a certain cute blonde haired male.

*                  *                  *

Kaito woke up the next day, feeling determination swelled in his chest. He's gonna make this better for himself and for Saguru. Even if the blonde wanted to be difficult, he'll patiently wait for him.

After all, Saguru hold onto pain for around 3 months, Kaito can wait. He's willing to be patient for his detective.

His soulmates' father picked him up early in the morning as told and drove silently to the airport where Kaito walked to a private jet with the elder man.

The wild haired male watched as Japan got smaller and smaller as they fly higher and higher into the air.

He let out a breath and stared out of the window silently, wishing he hadn't rejected the bond with his stupidity.

He stayed awake for hours until they arrived in England without any difficulties. He looked at Saguru's father as the walked out of the plane and towards a limo. He noticed the signs of tiredness and stress emitting out of the chief.

"To the hospital, James. I need to see my son. Is Florence with him right now?"

"Alright, sir. Mrs. Hakuba is indeed with Young Master right now," James said.

"How is he doing?"

"Not quite good, sir. The doctors managed to pumped the sleeping pills out of Young Master but he lost a lot of blood and some of his scars were too deep and needed stitches. His skull was cracked a little and probably would suffer mild concussion. But for now he's in comatose."

Kaito mulled over the driver and bodyguards' words before beating himself up mentally for doing this to the blonde.

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