Chapter 3

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The moment he stepped into his house, everyone that worked in the house greeted him happily in their native language, English. "Young Master!" they bowed.

Saguru nodded politely and smiled, not in the mood but refused to be rude to them who he considered as his family.

"Hello, everyone. I'm feeling a little jetlagged. We'll talk later, okay?" Saguru waved as he walked to his room immediately to see his mother sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Saguru," his mom greeted and pat the spot next to him. "Come sit, my dear. How was the flight? Tiring it must be, isn't it?" she asked as Saguru took a seat next to her.

He leaned against his mother's elegant body, not knowing how to answer at the moment.

"Your nanny said you found your soulmate but you got rejected. She said you almost went to seizure, Saguru!" she exclaimed, slightly horrified.

The son looked at his mother with blank eyes and she instantly tears up. "My darling.. You poor poor soul.."

Saguru, with his heart was already crushed, felt his heart crushed even more until it became fine dust.

"Mom, would you hate me if my soulmate is a criminal?" he croaked out before the tears subconsciously cascading their way down Saguru's cheeks.

"Kaitou KID?" his mom asked.

Saguru could only nodded helplessly as she hugged him so tight. "I would never hate you, Saguru. You're my only son and I love you so much to even be disappointed with whoever your soulmate was. I won't tell your dad if he doesn't already know, I promise."

"Thank you, mother."

"Now go rest up, dear. We'll have dinner soon. The maids cooked your favourites. Okay?"

Saguru nodded again and watched as his mother left the room. Currently it's 5pm so he went for a quick shower to clean himself up.

He wore a black pants and an oversized green hoodie which actually belonged to Heiji when he thought about it again.

The detective busied himself eating his food before his phone rang loudly, startling him and his mother at the dining table.

Who could it be calling him now?

Saguru took out his phone and bowed at his mother a little, leaving to answer the call. "Hello, Saguru Hakuba speaking. How can I assist you?" he said automatically without looking at his caller ID.

"Hakuba.." said a familiar voice. "You left Japan."

Saguru felt his chest squeezed in pain. "What's it with you if I left Japan or not?" he snapped, feeling jittery as he hands started to tremble. "Just leave me alone. You rejected the fucking soul bond, I get it. No need to fucking rub it to my face about it. You should go to sleep. Goodnight."

Saguru ended the call after saying it all rapidly without pausing for a second to breathe. His breath shuddered at every inhalation and exhalation before he straightened up before he went back to the table, turning his phone off.

"Who was that, dear?"

"No one important mother. Just a pest trying to annoy me," he replied to her concerns.

They made small talks in attempt to fill the silence before his mother told him about the story of how she met his father.

"He was very charming and polite. I always avoided his eyes because I was a little too shy but one day I looked into his eyes and felt so complete. That's how I knew both of us are soulmates."

Saguru blinked his eyes in slight amusement. "That's amazing, mother. I wonder why now that this entire soulmate thing came. I've been chasing him for almost 2 years."

"If you look into someone's eyes with their or your Poker Face on, of course it won't show. Soulmates are a genuine thing with genuine feelings."

Saguru stared at his plate, contemplating her words before nodding in understanding. "I understand.."

When both of them finished their meals, Saguru went to the garden to think thoroughly about the whole soulmate thing. He just felt like he wanted to breathe the fresh air there.

He strolled a few minutes before sitting down at the fountains' edge with a soft sigh. He turned on his phone and opened his gallery to see his soulmate's face.

He looked at the sky and stared at the moon with sad eyes before starting to sing without himself noticing.

"I know you're somewhere out there~
Somewhere far away~
I want you back~
I want you back~"

"My neighbours think I'm crazy~
But they don't understand~
You're all I had~
You're all I had~"

"At night when the stars light up my room~
I sit by myself~"

"Talking to the moon~
Trying to get to you~
In hopes you on the otherside~
Talking to me too~
Or am I fool~
Who sit alone~
Talking to the moon~"

"Oh woah~
I'm feeling like I'm famous~
The talk of the town~
They say I've gone mad~
Yeah I've gone mad~"

"But they don't know what I know~
'Cause when the sun goes down~
Someone's talking back~
Yeah they're talking back~"

"At night when the stars light up my room~
I sit by myself~"

"Talking to the moon~
Trying to get to you~
In hopes you're on the other side~
Talking to me too~
Or am I a fool~
Who sits alone~
Talking to the moon~"

"Ah~ Ah~ Ah~
Do you ever hear me calling~?
Ah~ (Oh oh oh)
Ah~ (Oh oh oh)

He sang it out desperately even though he knew no one would heard him except for the late night gardeners.

"Cause every night~
I'm talking to the moon~
Still trying to get to you~
In hopes you're on the other side~
Talking to me too~
Or am I a fool~
Who sits alone~
Talking to the moon~"

Saguru's voice cracked as he sang it out the last part sadly. The lonely miserable vibe in the dark night made it even sadder.

"I know you're somewhere out there~
Somewhere far away~"

Saguru teared up but refused to let the tears fall, not wanting anyone to see him in the state of depression and lifeless.

But alas, the tears continued its way down his cheeks, into the fountain, dripping like the rain.

He felt even more miserable than before he went to England.

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