Chapter 12

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Perseus cupped Loki's cheek with his hand, tilting his head, "It has been an interesting time, my prince."

Loki found that he could only nod to that statement. He cleared his throat, "Your mother, she misses you greatly."

The god sighed, smiling sadly as he observed the Chitauri flying by like they were something that wasn't true. "I miss her as well but I can't return."

"Can't," Loki's eyebrows furrowed as he searched his Angansiiar's eyes. "Not 'couldn't.' Is Odin still not letting you return?"

Perseus shook his head, "Not quite yet."

"For what reason? You have people waiting for you to return. He cannot keep you from your home."

"Loki, it is not just the Allfather that is keeping me here," The water god said solemnly, shaking his head. "However, we will have to continue the conversation another time. Ms. Romanov has found a way to close the portal."

Loki took a step forward, "About the Chitauri-"

Perseus held up a hand, "Don't. I already know. Come, let's go over to where your brother is."

The god of mischief nodded and teleported himself and his Angansiiar down to the Avengers, who all were looking towards the portal. Natasha was up by the tesseract with Loki's scepter, ready to close it.

"I can close it," Natasha said through the coms. "Does anyone copy? I can shut the portal down."

Steve looked up at where the aliens were flying from, "Do it."

"No, wait!" Tony shouted, drawing their attention to the man's words.

"Stark, these things are still coming."

"I got a nuke coming in. It's gonna blow in less than a minute." Tony paused for a moment as he thought, "...And I know just where to put it."

Steve put a hand to his ear, "Stark, you know that's a one way trip."

Perseus' eyes widened and he snatched Steve's com, putting it in his own ear, "Anthony, please. Think this through."

Tony took a shaky breath, "Sorry, dad..." He directed his next words to JARVIS, "Save the rest for the turn, J."

"Sir," The A.I. said softly. "Shall I try Miss Potts?"

"Might as well."


The Avengers, as well as Loki and Perseus, continued to look up at where Iron Man had flown through the portal with a nuke on his back. "Come on, Stark..." Natasha said quietly over the coms, tightening her grip on the scepter.

Perseus held Loki's hand tightly, his voice shaking, "Anthony..."

After a moment, Steve ordered in a solemn voice, "Close it."

Everyone watched the portal close and gasped when Iron Man made it back through. Thor started spinning Mjolnir, his eyebrows pinched together, "He's not slowing down!"

Loki took a half-step forward, ready to help in anyway he could, when the Hulk caught Iron Man. The rage-filled being used the buildings to slow them both down before crashing onto the concrete near them, cushioning them with his own back.

They all ran to the fallen hero and Steve, Thor, and Hulk were the closest while the others stood about a foot away. Thor ripped off the faceplate of the armor while Steve tried to see if Tony was breathing but both ended up sitting back as it seemed futile. The Hulk, however, was not having it and roared in Tony's face, startling the man awake.

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