Chapter 6

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It was late at night and Jane just had to go out and investigate some strange things with the stars or something.

Darcy didn't care. She just wanted to go to bed.

"Can we just go back?" The intern shouted to be heard over the wind, "This is crazy!"

"She's right, Jane," Selvig said, grabbing onto the scientist's arm. "We can check this out later!"

Jane muttered for a few more minutes, looking at her papers and the dark sky like it would tell her everything she was dying to know in that very moment, "Yeah, yeah, okay. Okay, let's go."

The three quickly climbed into the van, Darcy sitting in the back and Jane and Selvig in the front. The wind seemed to be getting crazier and the intern thought she had even saw some strange lights at one point. "Oh, my God, Jane, Jane, look out!" She screamed when she saw the man right before they hit him.

"Oh, my God!" Jane and Selvig looked at each other before scrambling out of the car. "Get the first aid kit!" She knelt next to the man, his blonde hair fanning out a bit around his head, almost like a halo, "Do me a favor and don't be dead."

The man's eyes snapped open and he sat up a bit, looking around. His blue eyes, bright even in the night, was filled with confusion and pain, like he didn't know where he was but knew it wasn't home.

"Woah, does he need CPR 'cause I totally know CPR," Darcy said, eyeing the blonde on the ground.

Jane ignored her, studying the man, "Where did he come from?" She looked at Selvig, who shrugged, gripping his flashlight tighter.

The blue-eyed man suddenly got up, trying to get away from them. He stumbled a bit, eyeing them like they were strange creatures, and looked at his surroundings more. "Hammer?" His voice was weak but he had an accent they couldn't identify. "Hammer!"

"Yeah, we can tell you're hammered. It's pretty obvious," Darcy muttered the last part to herself, looking at the man like he was crazy. In that moment, to her, he was a downright serial killer out to get them.

"Oh, my God, Erik, look at this!" Jane pointed her flashlight at the ground, revealing a circle with some ancient symbols. "We have to move quickly before this all changes."

Selvig knelt with her on the dirt but studied the man that continued to stumble around, "Jane, we have to take him to a hospital."

Meanwhile, the man was looking at the sky like Jane had been earlier, "Father!"

The brunette barely spared him a glance as she scooped dirt, "He's fine, look at him."

"Heimdall! I know you can hear me! Open the bifrost!" Blue eyes widened a fraction and there was a name the people in the clearing barely caught, "Perseus..?"

Jane stared at the blonde for a moment, "Hospital. You go, I'll stay."

The man turned around at her voice, "You, what realm is this? Alfheim? Jo-"

"New Mexico?" Darcy was pointing her taser at the man, the red light straight at his chest.

Blondie looked unimpressed, "You dare threaten me, Thor, with so puny a-" His body constricted as the intern pulled the trigger and tased him.

Erik and Jane stared at the woman in the beanie with wide eyes and slacked jaws, "What? He was freaking me out!"

About ten feet away, unnoticed by the group currently trying to put "Thor" in the back of the van, a man looked on with an amused smile tilting his lips, "Well, that's one way to handle the situation..."

Thor woke up in a white room, light blinding him. He didn't know where he was. It was almost familiar, the area similar to one of Perseus' rooms of healing, but it lacked the scent of the sea that always seemed to follow the god. There was a man looming over him, one he did not recognize, and he knew he needed to get out of there. He tried to remove the man's arm when he said something about taking his blood, "How dare you attack the son of Odin?"

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